After the PlayNC update. cant access the login page
Can't see your image from here but in Firefox there is a security exception warning and i just can't login.
Forgotten account name / password pages don't work either (another exception... and shows 'page not found' 1 per 2 times)
Resetted password but i STILL can't enter it successfully.
(Btw i don't think this is a mac-related issue)
Works -badly- with IE8 but not at all with firefox. I'll perform further tests later.

Former resident of Vigilance, now on Virtue - Characters - badgetracker - CIT
I'm currently getting an 'Untrusted Connection' warning, and I'm a little wary to continue to the site.
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

Apparently there's a certificate issue with the login page -- looking at the certificate, you can see that the root level cert is 'signed' by NCSoft, Ltd., but the issuer is 'SGTRUST SGC CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY', which is apparently a smaller organization and not one that's likely to be 'pre-loaded' on your browser like bigger players VeriSign, RSA, and Entrust are.
To make the error go away, manually install the security certificate from the site into your browser certificate store. To figure out how to do that, use your browser's Help menu or Google it.
Linked with FYI
But even with a permanent security exception, login form does not work with firefox.

Former resident of Vigilance, now on Virtue - Characters - badgetracker - CIT
Any suggestions to get it going again??

I keep getting:
when i try to access the Login page.
Ive tried perrrrty much everything there and still nothing
its been like this since City of Heroes on Facebook/Twitter said it was up.
Ive tried clearing history/ cache/ cookies everything.