Master of Magisterium - Sunday, July 15
I'll be there.
I still need triple threat so I'll be there too.
need triple threat and ready to rumble so will try to be there
"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter
29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform
Put me down as a maybe. Have to take care of some things today and not sure if I'll be there on time.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
This is today, in a few hours.
Second run got Ready to Rumble, despite me being distracted for the first part of it trying to get everyone on the league.
As for Triple Threat... Pendragon got an unfortunate regen tick, then on the last try Shadow Hunter just wouldn't drop at the same time as the other two, and five seconds is a really tight window.
For The Hard Way, the closest we came was the time we took him down a bit before we started the lights. If I'd been a little more patient (say, 75%) we'd have had that. Going to try a couple different things for it next week.
Good runs all, grats on Ready to Rumble, and hope to see you all next week for another round.
Was anyone using Hybrid for the Hard Way? You didn't call for it so I didn't use it, as I assumed you might be testing something. But now I wonder if you were expecting us to pop it on our own.
I'm not leading a The Really Hard Way attempt this week, instead focusing on the badges required for Master of Magisterium. I'm planning 2 runs:
- Triple Threat
- Ready to Rumble
I assume most people will have Shadow Master, and we'll almost certainly get it anyway. If necessary I can do more runs, time and interest permitting.As for The Hard Way, Tuesday's patch made it so Lore pets no longer receive the level shift from the Lights, which makes the strategy of "drop Lores, hit Lights, smash Tyrant, win" no longer guaranteed. With this in mind, I'm going to try a couple different things for The Hard Way to see which strategy works best.
Not going for TRHW makes the requirements list a little shorter:
- Must be 50+3.
Please sign up below if you're interested, or send me a tell or e-mail in-game.This will be Sunday, July 15. I'll start forming in Pocket D at 3:00 PM EDT and launch when we fill. I'll hold reserved spots until 3:30 EDT.