[Feedback/Advice Request] DM/SR Scrapper




The top tier Leadership power might be worth getting to even as a Scrapper just because there's almost no build that can't Maneuvers/Tactics/Vengeance well. The top tier Presence power is fantastic, but it requires investing in two powers you will probably never use.

(I suppose you could build for single-target Fear, but... i mean, it's hard to imagine why. You could, in theory, lock down a boss or EB that way, but so what? You should be able to survive several of them simultaneously anyway, and in group play they'll be dead before it's really relevant. Spending any of your time locking down an AV when you could be burning it is probably a bad investment.)

The Sorcery stuff is hard to quantify at present. I'm going to say "tentative no."

Investing in resists is definitely worth it for SR but it's way too early in the game for me to give you any specific build advice. If you're going to be re-calibrating your build anyway, you should at least plan to include the two ubiquitous PvP enhancements, the +Def and +Res ones. I assume you can figure out a way to acquire those at this point.