Camera issues after entering PI PPD building
If you are standing close to a wall the camera position is constrained to remain on your side of it - this can mean that if you are very close to it it can appear to be first person - once you move further from the wall you should be able to zoom further out.
However it looks as if you are also suffering from your floor height being set incorrectly so that you are actually standing below the floor. Its rare but does occasionally happen - generally the solution is the \stuck command which should relocate you to a valid location in the same zone, that will sometimes be a move of a couple of feet but other times it will place you back at the entry location for the zone. - this will usually work.
Relogging won't help with this but zoning should as should a tp power.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
Try this with the Geometry Buffers setting in options. If they are enabled, turn them off then on again. If they are disabled, turn them on then off again. This can also work if you see any artifacts appear in your game.

So I was playing my lvl 41 Staff/WP Brute and wanted to log him out in the PPD building for the day job patrol xp bonuses. I was in PI at the time, so I went inside that particular PPD building and then BAM! I was in first person mode; and it looked like I fell through the map (but not all the way).

So at first I was like, "okay...." and tried to zoom out but no go.
My screen looks like this:
I tried logging out and then back in and the view is the same.
I'm able to run, fly, walk normal but the view is like that no matter what I try.
I /bug'ed and sent in a /petition but...just wanted to throw it out here...don't go in the Peregrine Island PPD building! :P
I was going to get a lowbie to the PI PPD building to see if it happens again but..alas, when I logged into a totally new character I had the same view
Okay so it wasn't a "brand new toon"....a lvl 1 I had made for a name reservation...I just made a brand new toon and no camera issues for him....walk into the PPD PI building and no issues.... scared to try other toons that I want to play with...
Well, a lvl 50 villain is okay and one of my lvl 50 heroes is good....wonder why my lvl 1 villain toon that is a placeholder for a future toon is messed up? :|
2nd edit:
Ooookay....that's weird.
So logging out and then back in didn't help the toon...
But logging out, exiting the game and re-launching fixed the issue on my original toon (staff/wp brute)....whatever.
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991