Multiple/different goals for heroes villains in same mission?
i think thats a pretty bloody good idea actually! Although I can see teams being annoyed by having their villains skulking through loot while the lone hero on the team is playing meatshield with an AV lol

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We already have a precedent for something like this, by which I mean missions exist that have objectives which only become active when certain out-of-missions triggeres are activated. For instance, if you run the Vincent Ross arc and choose to take Lorenz Ansaldo as your contact, the objectives relevant to him will be active and the "radio" will display dialogue relevant to him. If you choose to take someone else or no-one at all, Lorenz's objectives will become inactive and others may activate instead.
If this is adaptable enough to feed off character alignment and not just mission-specific triggers, then I can certainly see it working. I'm pretty sure it won't allow different people to have different asynchronous goals within the same instance, but it should at least allow a mission that's taken by a villain to have the villainous objectives while the same mission taken by a hero to have the heroic ones. It would still put people of the "wrong" faction in an inapplicable mission, but at least then the player is in control of this. If you villain teams with a hero and runs the hero's missions, you WILL be running hero content. Still, villain content... Or at least villain-like content, however, will still exist.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
this is done in AE in a few clever arcs through optional objectives.
a mission to defeat X, has an optional objective to plant bombs as a vigilante. No bombs, you arrest the villains. Bombs - the place is blown up killing them.
likewise you could have a co-op mission. In the building is a safe, villains use the confusion and opportunity to rob the safe - heroes do not. Does not change the whole arc, but does change your motive.
And they have this with text trees - arrest the guy or kill him sort of thing
If this is adaptable enough to feed off character alignment and not just mission-specific triggers, then I can certainly see it working. I'm pretty sure it won't allow different people to have different asynchronous goals within the same instance, but it should at least allow a mission that's taken by a villain to have the villainous objectives while the same mission taken by a hero to have the heroic ones.
Yes, heroes and villains teaming up to stop a greater threat is a time-honored staple in comic books. But it's usually an uneasy alliance, both sides looking for a double-cross (which I'm not asking for, having the coop mission turn into PVP in the middle) and differing motives for achieving the end.
There would be tricky parts to work out in play testing. Are hero players aware that there are villain specific goals (and vice versa)? On a mixed team, if the coop goals and heroic goals are completed but the villainous goals aren't, is it "MIssion over" for the heroes or some message of "Some of your companions seem to be busy with something". What to do with Rogues and Vigilantes, do we just treat them respectively as villains and heroes for the coop missions, or do they see both sets?
I'm not saying it would be easy, but going back to my Boomtown scenario, it could play out like this:
The coop arcs are about some parts of Praetorian Hamidon sneaking across the portal and regrowing here, with the final step being a league battle to take out the forming Hami and keeping him from taking hold.
In the missions, the villains unlock clues pointing to some serious stashes of treasure accumulated by Cole and his Praetors, both valuables and extreme tech. It leads to a raid on the Praetorian Vaults
Meanwhile, the heroes are unlocking clues of random killings of the refugees. The big finale is stopping a plot by Malta and some rogue Vanguard to wipe out the refugee camp (under the basis that "these creatures from other worlds are a threat, we've got enough problems already").
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
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Had an idea. So much of the new content really is all heroic, the backstory says "this is going to destroy the planet you're currently sitting on and that would be inconvenient so you join forces with them."
What if a mission had different goals for heroes and villains? I'm not saying "must have heroes and villains on the team", but the main goal is to defeat the big baddie, heroes are checking computers for info on other crimes, villains are cracking safes to see what goodies are worth taking.
For example - let's assume that Boomtown is being rebuilt for settling refugees from Praetoria - and something bad came through the portals with it.
There are four main arcs, coop, but with some goals specific to hero/villain. There's also three hero and three villain arcs, unlocked by the coop arcs. "You found some clues about another problem going on, go stop it, hero" "Hey, you got a lead on a big score, cash in while everyone is busy with the big nasty"
I think that could be a fun way of mixing coop and alignment specific goals.
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout