Rerolling TW/EA Scrapper to TW/ElA Scrapper. Am I Crazy?




Well, I got bored with my level 41 TW/EA scrapper. Maybe because it was so slow compared to my Elec/SD scrapper, or required too many clicks compared to my DB/WP scrapper. Who knows?

But I kept hearing about TW/ElA, but in terms of brutes. I decided to try it out as a scrapper.

I am up to level 25 with my TW/ElA scrapper, and so far, it seems fun.

But I am worried about foes running away, and other issues. Where is the taunt in /EA that I don't have in /ElA?

And what are other holes do I need to worry about wit the /ElA secondary?

Or, should I just go back to my TW/EA and get her to 50 before abandoning her?? Am I just spoiled by my Elec/SD 50 scrapper?

Lesser important question: why do I want a stealth option for my TW? Seems contrary to the theme of wielding a gigantic sword...

Thanks in advance...



Lack of a taunt aura personally drives me nuts, even if overall elea pretty much the best defensive set. It's a great combo on a brute, amazing really. I do know bio armor is dropping soon and will have a taunt aura, hopefully it gets out of beta is a survivable state.



What s the taunt aura in /EA? Is it Entropic Aura?



Yep. +Recharge on user, -Recharge on targets, Taunt, and mez protection.

Ware ni tatenu mono mashi!!
[There are none before me who have not been cleaved!!]



If memory serves, Brutes also have a higher Resist cap, so they get a bit more out of Resist-oriented sets like Ela.

I made my Staff character a Staff/Ela Brute mainly because of worries over baddies running away from my aura. I have fallen in love with Ela, just the right balance between clicks and passives/toggles for me (although toggling up 11 powers is a bit annoying after the rare defeat).

With the IOs that are out there, I really enjoy playing Resist sets and slotting for Defense.

- Xyzor, Lightning.Rod, Kagyx - Rubber Mulch / Wholesale Candy - Freedom Server



If you going to reroll into a /Ela... Do it as a brute.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
If you going to reroll into a /Ela... Do it as a brute.
Too late. I was corresponding with PricessDarkstar on a separate thread, and the whole issue around why we aren't thrilled with TW/* scrappers is similar to why we don't like brutes. Here's what I said:

We ARE exactly the same PrincessDarkstar! I was doing the Summer Event last night with several of my scrappers, the DB/WP, Elec/SD, TW/EA, and TW/ElA, and it was so disappointing playing as the TW/* scrappers, both of which were the only ones which died (in the coliseum portion).

You are dead on about chasing a TW's Momentum being like chasing Fury in a brute. That's why I like scrappers -- not having to pay attention to such things!! I may continue to level my TW/* scrappers up to 50 if I get bored, but probably not. They just doesn't feel right, especially while waiting for my Arc of Devastation to wind up, while watching a blaster come along and send all my potential foes flying away. Grrrrr!
Maybe I just need to find another scrapper build to play. I have a level 50 Elec/SD and a level 50 DB/WP. What should I try...



Ok, I got my TW/ElA scrapper to 47, and I LOVE it. It just took some time to learn how to play it after playing my DB/WP and Elec/SD level 50 scrappers.

So, any suggestions on how to slot the TW/ElA?