Looking for Gay freindly ,Rp Friendly and Active SG to join




Hi , Im looking to a gay friendly ( my hero is a gay theme and Im also gay in RL ) ,Rp friendly ( I recently got into Rping and enjoy it , since Im new to it I consider myself a light Rper but the more I do it the better I hope to get better at it ) and Active ( I play most Evening hrs . and weekends Eastern Standard Time ).
Little background on my hero: Back Alley Catman ( Andre ) Is from an altertime where he is the son of African Violet and American Panther.Andre was zap to our timeline by and unknown force.Now Andre is trying to adjust to our Paragon City.
Contact me:@StarRaver or Rainbeau65@gmail.com



Well, the first resource I would direct you to would be the in-game Pride channel, if you like that sorta thing.

Just type: /chanjoin Pride

It isn't specifically a Virtue-oriented chat channel, but there is a fairly large community of LGBT (+ the rest of the alphabet ) folks who like to chat there. I am also under the impression that there is a fairly significant queer presence on Liberty, though I'd hate to sway your server choice.

As an aside, there seem to be a lot of gay folks playing this game (me and my boyfriend for two)... and I keep meeting more and more folks in-game. Must be the tights.

As for specific info about Virchoo? I can't help ya one bit, I have never played there. Hope some of the above helps you feel more welcome in CoH in general though!



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Must be the tights.
Hey! I resent that! I'm a straight guy....and I happen to love tights!(not even in a cross dressing way) In a superhero way!

Anyways, I think our community is pretty accepting, but you will always run into some...people...

I only RP occasionally, and I'm not gay/bi/etc... However I am dorky/white/jock/label/label/label.

Anyways, just wanted to let you know....even my Angelic superheroes....could find a way to RP with you...


(Oh....one thing if your costume makes my eyes bleed...I might not team with you that long...Gay/Straight whatever...good fashion sense is still good fashion sense.)

Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.



LOL..No My costume will not make your eyes ...(sterotype much..lol jk :P ).In fact his costume is a dark blue & black body armor.



Liberty you say..MMMMmmm ok ...I might try there .Im an open minded person. Thanks for the tip.