So ... Snipes




What brute is going to take musculature, though?

Anyway, the reason I brought that up is because you added fury to the base DPA without considering damage enhancement, which is silly. I did not and still don't feel that it was a major indiscretion, hence my jocular tone. Don't really care one way or the other about the snipes on scrappers, myself, but let's not give brutes undue credit. It's bound to go to their heads.



Originally Posted by John_Printemps View Post
Scrapper using Moonbeam with three damage IO's and Musculature Core T4: 210.1 DPA
--with Soul Drain (7 Targets): 319.2
Brute using Gloom with three damage IO's and Musculature Core T4 and 100% Fury: 239.9
--with Soul Drain (7 Targets): 293.2

Well known fact: Scrappers benefits significantly in the realm of +Dam% compared to its heavier cousins.

I posted a dm/inv scrapper build. Amazingly, it has soul drain, near-perma.

So, on THAT toon, moonbeam is awesome. Just like I thought in the first place.

Why am I payin' attention to you folks....

Okay, project toon list gets a re-shuffle!



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post

Thanks, but my scrappers are scrappers. I'll let them continue to act like it.. Chasing ranged damage thingies is a blaster thing..
Lol you talk like what your scrappers do is something special. It's not

Anyone can do what a scrapper does. It's those that don't blindly dismiss alternative tactics that are unique.