/Earth and damage domibrute




Question for the masterdoms: If you were going to make an /earth dom and all you cared about was max damage, at least 31% defense to m/r/a before veng, aid self, and enough recovery to keep running assuming permadom and ageless core, how would you do it? In other words, make a stone melee brute with a dom.

Fire seems like the best primary for this for hotfeet, imps, and bonfire (with the new -kb proc when it comes). However, the imps are squishy, and hotfeet has prohibitive end costs especially when combined with Mud Pots and the rest of earth's attacks. Would Dark or Plant possibly be better just to grab Haunt/Umbrabeast or CarrionCreepers/FlyTrap? (Not concerned with any of the mezzes).

APP/PPP: Seems I need Psionic for Link Minds in order to hit my defense goal, and also get some resistance. PPPs, however, would give me another pet for damage... Would I be better off with Mace for S/L/E defense, poisonous ray and a pet? How significant of a survival difference do you think I would have switching to mace?

I am really quite lost here, so any thoughts would be appreciated.

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I tend to subscribe to the theory that "the dominator's best defense is the other guy being a pinata"...but sure...i'll play along.

I would say that Plant/ would also be a decent choice for damage, too. You may lose hot feet and bonfire, but you'd gain Carrion Creepers and Seeds of Confusion. Bonus is these 2 powers would help keep aggro off of you, and when combined with the 31% m/r/a defenses, would signifigantly reduce any incoming damage. Between having Fly trap, CC, spamming aoe immobies, /earth's (admittedly limited) aoe, and any APP/PPP aoe should ensure you still keep a good xp/inf gain (assuming your concerned with xp...a la you're not 50 yet). Fly Trap can slot DefDebuff sets...so its possible to slam a Heel proc in it. -Res=more damage.

If, even after, all the "stuff not paying much attention to you after SoC and CC", you still want more def...then ML is probably the better option than the Mace shield...since defense is going to kick in on the higher number. That means then not only would you be trying to build for m/r/a, but also s/l...which could cut into any +rech your slotting for. This would put you in a bit of a bad way on 2 fronts. /earth loves it some +rech as its not the quickest set around. Faster recharge on /earth means you're pumping out damage faster...and given how hard /earth hits...yeah. And 2...makes it tougher to hit perma-dom/hasten levels...assuming that you're aiming for this. But...for the sake of it...31% defense coupled with stuff not paying you attention...that's probably sufficient for most content.

Just my thoughts...

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