PB Triform Respec: Powers...?




After quite some time since playing her, I've decided to take a shot at respeccing my Triform PB. After finding some useful information out of this thread, I've made the following build in Mid's:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA9553DB4E1351143DD339A5B6A540690BE556282DB4B45 03A51DF4C8C4A34488|
|146125FC920031DAD85B485C8A3BFE00B5EFEC11735FA313E F8035C148D1AC4713B|
|7BD98EAD263A49B3E6ACB3F73A6B76CF5A7C30D7F9FCC6C3C B42E9BD56D66BB5D5A|
|2A1DF31D6AA6665D3A87A96F4FA4E552F0B7A7CB7F4BDB5AA A1DFCB6B1E5A4E38EB|
|569737368C4ACDDC3572859DFB66656BA7B67A95D4EAC9DFA AE68CB6AA2B241F9CA|
|9982A1AF1BD55AC9DCF6DBEBEB6573B3541751B2A6D1EFAB5 BE0B1A4D8274849E17|
|ACC289F30C69E328E3D633C68F62822AA0831228576915093 E294F614E8297FD18B|
|432F0EBD23EA51D1A32EB04ECF22709931BEC49828327EA31 EB66109F7BECBE6CE8|
|8F030A77A3684CD9DDB049618137719C7A9D06B1BB55CDE2C 73BE16B448CFCF7A2E|
|3FB8CE163CA49A007C04A6990B907637B8EE08FB553A8408C 25B10DE7AE1AD17DE9|
|2F076429A219C1BCA707F380BCC317EA49A086616C1CCFA30 B33ECC2A89D94D6266|
|9FA8A71FBEFAE15F255F03D01980CE4C0108BD59E8CD42A78 BBE6F083A43F8BE776|
|46604DC08B80ED21EC5378F1EF37F34F61EF8813175C2F899 BC8DA37F1CDEBE1037|
|C19C7B02DC640BCE62E65A0B4A3A3B8D3B9ABE44205591010 6C97F166765E135445|
|C0E5C2ECE1A61E2F2E0F2A81B968DBB2F04F46236F7F33259 56DAB99F609D8C93B3|
|E811F936466B63CEB73117DA98829399E1D38AB29140A1604 ADE9E46C2AC15DAF76|
|2DF3BA4DAFB073EEA51D0039DA326A72837153BA933B7790A 87CEFA34D71F373997|
|824426C6786FFA11AFBDD2915A4CCFF707CEDFE4A4FB056B7 4BC64EC7AC538F51AF|
|80689FC879E147A52E809CB46D24448632ED2E464E8947D0F 9E31C6BE332605CF2D|
|63F1BAAFD9A38690EE28D23D8C744F23DDFDCE33DF727FF43 FFA079CFE90D841243|

Based on that thread, I've managed to get perma-Light Form, perma-Inner Light, and nearly perma-Hasten (as a result.) Not much in the way of defense bonuses, however. I've purposely tried to avoid using any VR/ATO sets, just to expedite the creation of the build itself.

My concern is whether or not the powers I've chosen other than the 'must haves' for Triform are really useful. I tried to avoid choosing toggles, but other powers that were available and didn't need a lot of slots seemed less useful. Any opinions?

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
My concern is whether or not the powers I've chosen other than the 'must haves' for Triform are really useful. I tried to avoid choosing toggles, but other powers that were available and didn't need a lot of slots seemed less useful. Any opinions?
You chose your powers just fine, however I notice that you've overslotted a couple powers that can be frankenslotted (or not slotted at all), such as light form, inner light, and the heals (glowing touch, specifically). The lack of defense also hurts the survivability on harsher enemies/difficulties. I don't think I would take solar flare at all, slotted the way it is. The endurance cost alone would be too nasty.

I would juggle some slots off of those powers, and put them on radiant strike to beef that up, and replace out some of those other melee enhancements with kin combats. To make up for the lost recharge, I'd probably slot nova blast with decimation, amongst other small tweaks.



Hm. Something a little more like this?

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA8D54DB4E1351143DD31EA86DB9B5A5506EA52D8596B6D 416F5CD84A84445B95|
|430BE92410E305A0B690B91477FC117BCFC832F6AF4637CF0 07B8281A3580E376F6|
|B21DA9264CD2AC39EBECB5669D3DB33BF378B2E5D58D27134 2F35F2BEA95CA6241E|
|9F7D552D928ADAAB26B56AF6E96F5A2A0CB33AF6F2F9595FE 3037EEA2E5B0BD6E71|
|6E6545952AC696CA4E6F3E324AEB9B95C5ABE4568DFF5535A 91AAAAE90BD6FAAB4A|
|6CAAA54CDFEB9F114D6D78BD9850DA5967DD6ED5469CBA818 4B46D1A86EB75BCCB4|
|D29755B9B2666C78ADF5F5A2B1BA5615218A364EBF1F4D029 729C50E41420AC7334|
|6F99C31FC8231F29271B7AED144481362408AFC25C2BC1447 B4A7C14FFB8F5F147E|
|51F8ED93C6098DF336FB74CC00E718A3B38C4305C663D2700 C5334ED382CEE84081|
|77C5C05829814E7EE00E7195B1E08F659E0758C046ED638DC 69DEF39C42937CBD38|
|AF175C0B708FF65A91A335C35C2B79B6836B0F725EAD59081 FB2F990CD8F6C7E648|
|B23531E190FC93BC01A6720AC59BDEA1C044619CFC718BF50 6D10FE41F4B00B3DEC|
|42EFE2E8E5087AF89534DDC8D98DF33829670FFAD17393BDC 7A01FBBCBD846E7EB8|
|3AE0FE7FB480F1F003700AE99BC06917FF080DF51E413F033 63E290F11B6589411F|
|4396EFC40DE34CC36964C7F9472238FFA93EF8295B123EC92 8FBF8884B834B235B8|
|0B82CB82CEA3A89CB81CBA1AE5FD6BE75212E1348A7085BDC EFAFDC3493F6FD21F6|
|49D939932E916B60F20DCC8506E66203336D67C6F86905599 B38A1A173EE8EDA449|
|90BB2F6850B779FD3DADFF5904683063EFB754ED36EE1CDDF E32EECD9EB935C7F50|
|E71C1A267028C27B99A7BC764BDB94A27B9E7F70DE3A279B5 EB347F31BC6B6B78CA|
|3EF80EF318167D024A04940D3296B13250279E682754E068E 3877EF0963F827635C|
|70DF5226AFBBEC1A4C7308D3DC8F694E619A3398E66EFBB33 FB04FE80C3E9953FF0|
|A3D760D26BD17931EC6A48E62D25398F40912E4F13DFC022E 14F4B2|

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



You got the right idea, and with a few minutes of tinkering...

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Granted, I did push in an ATO set on the Nova Detonation. Mostly because I just don't like Posi, and the set isn't *that* expensive. But that call is on you.



I'm pretty new to build tweeking so this might make no sense at all, but I'd like your input to let me know if I'm on the right track.

I realize that the inclusion of the ATO is questionably desirable, but since there are already 5 slots devoted to it, why not remove the second Mako's Bite from Radiant and move that slot over to the Nova Det to get the Form Empowerment proc in there. That boosts the S/L resist to the 85%, gives 9% damage boost across the board and given ED, shouldn't that come at least close to compensating for the loss of the second Mako's? It also boosts Psi resist by a noticeable amount.


--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...I have the patience of a coffee-fueled flea...