I liked SSA1 and would recommend it




I stopped playing it before at episode 3 or 4. The first episodes just have no relation to one another (like what are rularuu and why are they here) and the stupidity of Manticore was too annoying.

But I played through all 7 episodes solo, and the end of arc is very good. The plot started to make sense. The early episodes got tied in. The epic nature of it was well established and supported.

The custom maps and missions were great.

I think the episodic nature does not work well. It was much better going through them all one after another, rather than waiting a week in between. So I look forward to playing SSA2, but I will wait until the whole thing is out.



In another thread of yours, you asked about the Shadow Shard. That's where the Rularuu come from and where their story is told. Also, if you have a Villain, Wade is a contact that you can run into on your way up that will help explain his role in all this, if only vaguely.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Yes, but the arc with the Rualru in the Midnighters Club is I believe many levels below the Shadow Shard. And I don't recall them really being introduced in the arc, although I may have missed it.