Martial Arts - Pros/Cons




Originally Posted by ResplendentMs View Post
I gets it from the fact it burns endurance like no other set I've ever used.
It does not. There's a specific rule for setting endurance costs for single target attacks. 5.2 endurance per 1.0 damage scale. AoEs have the same costs but factoring in the AoE factor of the power. Most attacks follow that formula, including MA's attacks. There are no endurance cost bugs I'm aware of in MA for any archetype, with the exception of the Storm Kick one I mentioned above.

Accuracy suffered, that did improve with issue 23.
I should point out this is the single largest collective mass observer error in the history of the game. It has been proven to be an illusion in almost every case. People's perceptions are simply not trustworthy in this area, and I say that as one of only two or three players to ever discover any issue with accuracy in general.

Both accuracy and endurance mechanics are sufficiently stable and well understood at this point that it would require either game logs or video evidence to support a claim that either was not working exactly as described. If you have such evidence, I would be happy to review it and bring any problems discovered to the devs attention.

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(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



The endo question is simple. MA is awesome. Players do not want to stop the awesome.

When a player has to choose between stopping the awesome, or resting, the choice is clear: Awesome.

In other words-

Enters spawn:
"I kick your face whapow!!"
"Oh you too? Ok I kick you!!"
"A new challenger approaches!! I kick you!!"
"Oh man, all these guys got kicked. OWAIT There's one over there!!"
"I kick you too!!"

And so on and so forth until you suddenly realize despite mashing the 1-2-3-4 keys your avatar will not kick. So you investigate why, and realize you are out of endo!!

hence, "ZOMG MA uses so much endo!!"

Your perception is your reality as I always say.

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

Arc #'s
107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It does not. There's a specific rule for setting endurance costs for single target attacks. 5.2 endurance per 1.0 damage scale. AoEs have the same costs but factoring in the AoE factor of the power. Most attacks follow that formula, including MA's attacks. There are no endurance cost bugs I'm aware of in MA for any archetype, with the exception of the Storm Kick one I mentioned above.

I should point out this is the single largest collective mass observer error in the history of the game. It has been proven to be an illusion in almost every case. People's perceptions are simply not trustworthy in this area, and I say that as one of only two or three players to ever discover any issue with accuracy in general.

Both accuracy and endurance mechanics are sufficiently stable and well understood at this point that it would require either game logs or video evidence to support a claim that either was not working exactly as described. If you have such evidence, I would be happy to review it and bring any problems discovered to the devs attention.
The short response for the endurance, yes it does. Like I said, it not like they have never had problems on power set port.

On accuracy and how subjective it is or can seem. When every same level minion in every mission for 40 level takes 10 or more attacks to defeat it, I think that subjectively sucks. At level 40, respeced the character, got tactics and slotted a Kismet. Instant change in how the character played. Instead of running mission 0/1 just for the mission bonus, did everything +4/8. The character is very survivable, just could not kill anything.



Originally Posted by ResplendentMs View Post
The short response for the endurance, yes it does. Like I said, it not like they have never had problems on power set port.
They have never, ever had problems with a powerset's accuracy or endurance consumption somehow operating differently from how the powers were defined. Any such report was erroneous.

On accuracy and how subjective it is or can seem. When every same level minion in every mission for 40 level takes 10 or more attacks to defeat it, I think that subjectively sucks. At level 40, respeced the character, got tactics and slotted a Kismet. Instant change in how the character played. Instead of running mission 0/1 just for the mission bonus, did everything +4/8. The character is very survivable, just could not kill anything.
These types of problems are trivial to prove, if they exist. A combat log and a demorecord basically encapsulate all the information necessary to document them, and no system is incapable of generating them (unlike video recordings, which not all systems that can play City of Heroes can generate). I have an open door policy on examining documentation of a bug in game mechanics, but in general they tend to prove the opposite: that the mechanics work exactly as our current understanding indicates.

But as I said, its trivially easy to record such problems if they exist. Enable logging on all channels, and demorecord tests when you conduct them.

In any event, not liking something is not a bug. Not liking accuracy is not the same thing as claiming it doesn't work exactly as described, for every single powerset. Saying one powerset draws more endurance than another in normal attack chains is a quantitatively verifiable statement. If its true, there's no reason whatsoever to produce evidence of that fact. If MA does burn more endurance than other primaries for the same output, that would be a bug worth tracking down. But its a bug I've never seen.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)