What to do with my /da brute




So I'm looking to start a new brute the only thing I'm dead set on is da as his secondary, and that I want to either use staff or Titan weapons. Since I don't have much in the way of experience with either of those primaries I turn to you goo people o the forums for added input on all things staff and/or Titan weapons related as a comparison before I choose. Concept holds up just fine for either. Looking for people's opinions



Staff uses about half as much endurance per second as titan weapons before you even consider that it gets a powerful endurance management tool on top of that. Titan weapons does significantly more damage per attack and the attacks are extremely quick which is frequently as fantastic as it sounds. The problem it can run into is that it doesn't have any "little" attacks to finish things off. That's doubly painful when you're looking at a boss with a sliver of health left and you know that you either have to spend two seconds minimum on a crushing blow, if it's up, or hope that your next aura tick does the job while risking waiting even longer than two seconds. Your annoyance with this may vary. It certainly is fun to rip into a big horde of stuff and revel in the chunks being lopped off of their health bars, but that doesn't change the fact that you're overkilling things all the time but paying full endurance for it.

You can tell which set I prefer but both of them are really solid on the whole. In spite of staff's versatility it's never going to take down a pylon like titan weapons will, though it may well clear rooms about as fast. How much do you value crazy single target damage compared to easy endurance sustainability?



If you go TW, build for lots of endurance recovery, I would even say take Energy mastery pool for Superior Conditioning and Physical perfection.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



My staff/da is a ton of fun. He cranks out a sea of orange numbers and his blue-bar barely moves (toggles: Death Shroud, Dark Embrace, Murky Cloud - this gets turned on/off as needed, Obsidian shield, Cloak of darkness, Tough, Weave, Combat Jumping) Once I'm at perfection of the soul lvl 3 I just keep on fighting. I don't use my finisher (only have eye of the storm so far) until the mobs around me are all at a sliver and then end the fight with it.

Dark regen with 1 end reducer only drops 1/3 of my blue bar when perfection of the soul is full.



Question about DA...do the Brute versions of CoF and OG not come with a taunt?



Not according to City of data... no



Actually Death Shroud is your taunt aura.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)