CoH missing an opportunity for free publicity?




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's kind of what I mean. City of Heroes accidentally tripped into a very unique, innovative system, I believe when the original team failed to balance their game properly and discovered that you could balance it another way entirely. Thing is, this game has never been famous for it. We need another game to come out with a feature we have before that feature is recognised by the broader world, and I honestly can't understand why that is.

It galls me when I hear games being hailed as the first without a healer or the first without set teaming requirements or the first without loot or the first where everyone can solo. People extol the virtues of the system in question and I have the overpowering urge to go "That makes for a better game? I never saw that coming!"

For as much as we can argue over what our Marketing team does, I still feel they just don't do enough to capitalise on what sets City of Heroes apart from the sea of WoW reskins out there, and it's a cryin' shame.
Balance is one thing, but you have to give credit to the launch design team, ne Jack, for setting our original power system around Damage, Control, Support, and Defense. They *also* tried to add an element of Tank, DPS, Healer with Tankers, Blasters, and Defenders, but that doesn't change the innovation that while we do/did have a dedicated tanker class, we don't have a dedicated DPS or healer class, because in City of Heroes damage is something everyone does and healing is just a subset of buff/debuff, and something available to most archetypes with access to Support.

We have a game system that started as a hybrid of a trinity-like system of archetypes and a power system based around a much more modern set of skill groupings. The lucky accident was that our original devs didn't know how to add, so they couldn't balance archetypes quite right. That sort of left their power system more "exposed" to the world, so much so that we the players very quickly began seeing the game less as the archetypes and more as the powerset types: damage, support, control, and defense. No healers, no tankers, no DPS: if a team had enough damage, support, control, and defense in some combination, it was good to go.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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I remember them doing the same thing with Aion. "The first MMO where you can fly, under your own power, with your own wings."

*gives NCSoft a flat look*

What are we? Chopped Liver?



Originally Posted by Pendix View Post
I remember them doing the same thing with Aion. "The first MMO where you can fly, under your own power, with your own wings."

*gives NCSoft a flat look*

What are we? Chopped Liver?
Here we can fly under our own power without wings. The wings are decorative. Maybe in Aion, they actually produce lift.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post

But NCSoft, there is no befit to them in promoting CoH with GW2, because if someone starts playing CoH then they are less likely to play GW2. NCSoft have never been averse to shutting down CoH if they have something else in it's place; it only exists now because Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa flopped.
That I am not so sure about. The AA and TR thing I doubt, but I'm talking about there being no benefit.

CoH and GW2 have very different payment plans. GW2 is currently set to launch as a buy-then-play game where you don't need to pay a subscription fee to play the game. The microtransaction market for GW2 is also surprisingly light on stuff that you would want to get, with everything in that market being obtainable in-game. A very large focus in GW2 gaming is around PVP elements where you are given the levels, stats, and equipment to play. Essentially it is a "jump into PVP whenever you feel like it" kind of game.

CoH however is a hybrid but mostly subscription based game that is focused on PVE elements and is a lot more easy going than GW2 will be. With the two different payment methods each of the games occupy a different space in each person's wallet, and don't have that natural mental confliction that subs vs. subs and purchase vs. purchase has. Since the profits from GW2 come from players merely purchasing the game, they really don't care what you do after you buy the disk. Play it or don't, they've made money. The atmospheres of the games are also completely different. The only thing that these games really have in common are that they are MMOs and they're owned by the same parent company... that would profit from you playing both.

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