Alpha Slot - Help Request
The choice of picking an alpha comes solely on what your build is lacking. Here is a breakdown on which ones do what.
Cardiac: Used if you are a Resistance based set and need a little more of it or if you are running low on endurance often.
Primary: Endurance Reduction
Secondary: Resistance
Tertiary: Range and (Fear, Sleep and Intangibility which are mostly not helpful)
Agility: Good for defense, recharge and endurance modification
Primary: End Mod
Secondary: Recharge and Defense
Tertiary: Movement
Musculature: Damage mostly, however most attacks are already hitting ED for damage, so going this route to me seems pointless.
Primary: Damage
Secondary: Endurance Mod
Tertiary: Immobilization, defense debuff, run speed and to hit debuff
Intuition: I really can't see any reason to take this unless they come out with a set that has more than 3 holds.
Primary: Holds
Secondary: Range and Damage
Tertiary: Slows, Defense debuffs, to hit debuff
Nerve: Good for a defensive set that needs a little more defense and accuracy.
Primary: Defense
Secondary: Accuracy
Tertiary: Hold, Taunt, Confuse, Fly
Resilient: Not as good as cardiac in my opinion. Will give you roughly 2-3% more resistance but nothing else.
Primary: Resistance
Secondary: Taunt?
Tertiary: To Hit, Immob, Intangible, Stun
Spiritual: Highest Recharge alpha, for when Recharge is all you need (and some heal doesn't hurt)
Primary: Recharge
Secondary: Heal
Tertiary: Stun, Slow, Jump and to hit
Vigor: Not much reason to go this route instead of Spiritual IMO, however if you need end red and acc more than recharge, perhaps.
Primary: Heal
Secondary: Accuracy and Endurance Reduction
Tertiary: Fear, Sleep, Confuse
Hope that helps. Remember, figure out what your build is lacking. Usually it's Defense, Resistance, Endurance Problems, Recharge, Accuracy or Damage. I would never suggest using the alpha slot to increase mez time, taunt or movement speed.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
I'll try to address each of the builds the OP proposed, and then a general overview of my thoughts on the various Alpha options, as reading over Pine's post above I already see several things I strongly disagree with.
- Plant/Storm Controller. I would recommend going with Spiritual for this, given the build you described. Especially for a build that's soft-capped, adding more Recharge is likely the best route to take. The alternative might be Cardiac, given that you mentioned you occasionally have endurance issues, but you could also offset this with an Ageless destiny power. Cardiac also offers you range, which is often under appreciated but can be quite helpful for a Controller. So I think either a Spiritual Core or a Cardiac Core here.
- Earth/Fire Dom. Generally speaking, if you're not at perma-dom, that's the goal you're going to want to attend to first, which immediately narrows your choices to Agility and Spiritual. If you aren't at or very near to perma-dom then I'd advise Spiritual here. If you can get to perma-dom with a few IO tweaks elsewhere in the build, however, then Intuition is a strong choice since it enhances your holds, gives +damage and +range. For this build of dom with a perma-dom build pre-Alpha I would go for Intuition.
- Fortunata/Night Widow. Really need more information here. Fortunatas and Night Widows play radically differently and you really haven't given a sense of which you even have here, let alone what sort of build you are working with. That said, a common build goal is perma-Mind Link, so if you don't have enough Recharge for that you may look for an alpha that contains Recharge.
- Archery/Rad Corruptor. A little more build info might help here too, but certainly rechage isn't going to be a bad thing - there's a reason why it's such a popular IO build goal, after all. I like Intuition on my Rads because the radial branch affects nearly everything I do in Rad Emission and gives me damage on top of that, but I also run Choking Cloud so I may have more holds at work then you do.
- Fire/Traps Corruptor. Again, would be helpful to know a little more about the build, but just off the cuff I would consider either Spiritual or Musculature. I would go for Spiritual if you're already mostly geared for damage output and conversely I would go for Musculature if you're mostly geared for support. Basically whichever side of the character you feel needs the push more.
Agility -
Core: EndMod, Recharge/Defense
Radial: EndMod/Recharge/Defense/Run/Jump/Fly
Comments - the combination of Recharge and Defense is a tempting one, though neither is the core element that gets the 45% buff in the core line. If you've got a build that's trying to work on high-recharge and high-defense at once, this could be for you. I have this on my Night Widow and it works nicely.
Cardiac -
Core: Endurance, Resistance/Range
Radial: Endurance/Resistance/Range/Fear/Sleep/Intangibility
Comments - This is another very popular one, since it's excellent for solving endurance woes you may have in a build, or allow you to drop endurance reduction out of your build once it's in place (assuming you don't intend to exemplar). The secondary effects of resistance and range in the core line also useful, especially for many melee types.
Intuition -
Core: Hold, DefDebuff/Range
Radial: Hold/DefDebuff/Range/Damage/ToHitDebuff/Slow
Comments - I've found this very strong for my debuffer characters, especially my Rad, since it covers holds and my debuffs very nicely and gives my additional damage on top of that. I have this on a few controllers and Rad defenders, pretty much all on the radial path (Damage!).
Musculature -
Core: Damage, Immob/DefDebuff
Radial: Damage/Immiob/DefDebuff/EndMod/Run/ToHitDebuff
Comments - this is a solid alpha if your primary concern is MOAR DAMAGE!! and it'll fit that bill nicely for you. As you move up in the alpha tiers more and more of the effect bypasses the ED caps, so already being at ED for damage isn't necessarily a reason to pass on this. Depending on base values, the numbers you get above ED may or may not be worthwhile (for Brutes it generally isn't, for instance, because the base values are rather low to compensate for the power of the Fury buff).
Nerve -
Core: Accuracy, Defense/Hold
Radial: Accuracy/Defense/Hold/Taunt/Confuse/Flight
Comments - This is actually my least favorite alpha, but the combination of accuracy, hold and defense could work for control characters who need a bit of an edge to reach softcap. I used to have this on my Night Widow and it worked well, but I traded it up for an Agility when the new Alpha choices came out.
Resilient -
Core: Resistance, Immob/Taunt
Radial: Resistance/Immob/Taunt/Intangibility/Stun/ToHit
Comments - This is very good for a very small niche, that being characters that need more Resistance. Resistance isn't easy to get in significant quantity from IO Set bonuses, and this can be a good choice if you already have your other bases covered. My Dark tank uses this, as he's already soft-capped in defense and the dark regeneration power gives him all the heal he needs, so more resistance is the logical choice.
Spiritual -
Core: Recharge, Stun/Heal
Radial: Recharge/Stun/Heal/Slow/Jump/ToHit
Comments - Since the primary focus here is recharge, this is one of the most popular alpha choices and works for a lot of builds. You might take Agility over this if you need both Defense and Recharge, but otherwise if the goal is Recharge this is the answer.
Vigor -
Core: Heal*, Accuracy/Endurance
Radial: Heal/Accuracy/Endurance/Fear/Confuse/Sleep
Comments - I find this alpha very good for characters who have a very large investment in heal powers. My Willpower Brute uses this and loves it. The accuracy and endurance elements really help for maintaining a tough attack chain.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
The choice of picking an alpha comes solely on what your build is lacking. Here is a breakdown on which ones do what.
Hope that helps. Remember, figure out what your build is lacking. Usually it's Defense, Resistance, Endurance Problems, Recharge, Accuracy or Damage. I would never suggest using the alpha slot to increase mez time, taunt or movement speed. |
I have to agree with you, I wouldn't chase after any mezzes, taunts, or the rest. The thing I'm looking at is that with the radial option, because you don't just get an increase in some mez that's probably already slotted up just fine - you can get the equivalent of 3-5 different attributes which are being increased to the equivalent of a mid-range IO in each power! Now, the 20% I figure is the equivalent of a DO, which isn't so great, and I've never really noticed that 20% doing much. The 33%, however - with +2/3 over ED! - now that sounds potentially interesting!
Of course, that only works well if the 3-5 attributes are someone you a) can use, and b) care about.
The difficulty with the powersets I mentioned is that there really isn't anything glaringly "lacking" in any of them, or, at least, that I can get from an Alpha. So where do you go for a fairly balanced character?
- Plant/Storm Controller. I would recommend going with Spiritual for this, given the build you described. Especially for a build that's soft-capped, adding more Recharge is likely the best route to take. The alternative might be Cardiac, given that you mentioned you occasionally have endurance issues, but you could also offset this with an Ageless destiny power. Cardiac also offers you range, which is often under appreciated but can be quite helpful for a Controller. So I think either a Spiritual Core or a Cardiac Core here.
- Earth/Fire Dom. Generally speaking, if you're not at perma-dom, that's the goal you're going to want to attend to first, which immediately narrows your choices to Agility and Spiritual. If you aren't at or very near to perma-dom then I'd advise Spiritual here. If you can get to perma-dom with a few IO tweaks elsewhere in the build, however, then Intuition is a strong choice since it enhances your holds, gives +damage and +range. For this build of dom with a perma-dom build pre-Alpha I would go for Intuition.
- Fortunata/Night Widow. Really need more information here. Fortunatas and Night Widows play radically differently and you really haven't given a sense of which you even have here, let alone what sort of build you are working with. That said, a common build goal is perma-Mind Link, so if you don't have enough Recharge for that you may look for an alpha that contains Recharge.
- Archery/Rad Corruptor. A little more build info might help here too, but certainly rechage isn't going to be a bad thing - there's a reason why it's such a popular IO build goal, after all. I like Intuition on my Rads because the radial branch affects nearly everything I do in Rad Emission and gives me damage on top of that, but I also run Choking Cloud so I may have more holds at work then you do.
- Fire/Traps Corruptor. Again, would be helpful to know a little more about the build, but just off the cuff I would consider either Spiritual or Musculature. I would go for Spiritual if you're already mostly geared for damage output and conversely I would go for Musculature if you're mostly geared for support. Basically whichever side of the character you feel needs the push more.
(edited for length, for reply purposes) Thank you so much for the in-depth information, I am amazed by you and the _Pine_ taking the time to do so - it's much appreciated!
I apologize for not adding more information in the OP. In answer to your question (um, a few of them, actually), I learned to play on scrappers, and to this day, I tend to play anything fairly aggressively, and for damage. I tend toward high-recharge builds, since I find I rather resent having to take "meh" powers to fill out an attack chain. I mean, why not just have it come up faster, huh? (Yup, I took this right of the scrapper playbook, too)
1. Spiritual Core might be the way to go with the plant/storm troller. It is definately my default choice, and has a number of advantages, including the extra heal mojo. And that choice would also save some IO slots, which could be utilized to add more than my sad and lonely 1 end reducer in Hurricane. My thinking was that storm is so full of wonderful debuffs, like rad, I sort of feel an obligation to see if I can get more oomph out of the secondary, as well as the primary (Which is, as you may have guessed, slotted for damage wherever possible).
2. Earth/fire dom has a recharge bonus of 185, + hasten. Perma-dom on paper, I believe, but not in play, because she is too wimpy to solo large groups, which she'd need to keep domination going. You follow? Yeah, not sure I do either. Seems to be a big catch-22, doesn't it?
Now, I thought Spiritual did not affect domination? (If it DOES, heck, I'll swap out all those recharge set bonuses for defense bonuses, problem solved!)
3. Fortunata/Night Widow. She's mid-40's and closing in on positional caps (38-39%), and rech is 151 at this point - obviously that will increase with final build. Had planned to have two builds, one for each side. But, ya caught me out on that one. You really did. I just did a respec and got rid of all her "baby" blood widow scrapper attacks, and beefed up the Fortunata stuff. Which, in actual play, seems to mean that I stand in the back doing nothing, and think bad thoughts at my opponents.
I'm not sure I can take much more of this. (Oh, dear, Silas is going to be SO disappointed in me....)
But I digress. I was looking for something that would work with both sides of the Fort/Widow, so that if I ever figure out what I'm doing, that Alpha will work with it. Spiritual Core seems like a good generic option, because recharge is always good. Just not sure if it's the "best" option, though.
3. Arch/rad controller. This one I play less like a scrapper. Archery feels good at some range, so I hang back a bit, but I do have to get up closer to fire off AM for the gang. (No choking cloud, due to range, and lack of fast holds to layer it with, which is where I think CC really, really shines) But I play it as damage-doer who incidentally has nice team support.
4. Fire/traps. Yeah, damage is the point of this one too! Spiritual, you say?
Your experience is especially valuable here. The fact that you not only got something and enjoy it, but liked it so much you actually went back and changed a T4, THAT is a huge endorsement! I don't do a whole lot of trials, I do my Alphas the old-fashioned way and do TF's, which I enjoy more, despite the extra time it takes. I really do not want to redo a T4. Ever. So, thank you, thank you!
*Fortunata/Night Widow. Again, no previous experience with this AT. The Fort side seems to be a bit lacking in damage, but otherwise there are no real problem areas to address. What works best for a fairly well-balanced SoA?
On my Fort I went Musculature. As you said, damage was a bit low, but I was fine on Endurance. So with Cardiac not needed, I just went damage. My Fort also already had Perma-Hasten and Perma-Mind Link, so no additional recharge was needed.
On a Night Widow, I'd consider Cardiac first. But if you are good on End, I'd go Musculature as well.
Now, I thought Spiritual did not affect domination? (If it DOES, heck, I'll swap out all those recharge set bonuses for defense bonuses, problem solved!)
Also, since the advent of converters, the purple recipes have come down considerably in price so depending on how much influence you have to throw around you might consider getting some purple IOs or at least the ATO set.
But I digress. I was looking for something that would work with both sides of the Fort/Widow, so that if I ever figure out what I'm doing, that Alpha will work with it. Spiritual Core seems like a good generic option, because recharge is always good. Just not sure if it's the "best" option, though. |
For a Fortunata, I think I'd be more likely to go with Musculature to make sure your ranged cannon has the most punch possible, but admittedly I don't have much experience on that side of the SoA.
You could always craft more than one alpha and just swap the alpha when you swap the build.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
*Plant/Storm Controller.
*Earth/Fire Dom. *Fortunata/Night Widow. *Archery/Rad Corruptor. *Fire/Traps Corruptor. |
2) Earth/Fire: If you're a perma Dom, I'd go Musculature, or maybe Intuition (though I find the extra duration from Domination to be plenty, usually). Spiritual isn't a bad choice, either, especially if you're perma-Dom, but not perma Hasten yet.
Also, you mentioned needing to solo large groups to keep perma dom going. You don't need to. Set the groups at a size you can handle. Once dom kicks off, if you're a perma-Dom, you never need to attack again to keep Domination up. So build Domination vs gray stuff street sweeping if you want before you enter a mish, and Domination will stay up forever, as long as you keep clicking it as soon as it's recharged. (I set Domination to be my auto-fire power) You can't afk for along periods, because most likely you'll need to either manually click Dom, or Hasten as soon as they are up, but otherwise, you're good regardless from then on.
3) Fortunata/Night Widow: Musculature.. Core if End is a non issue, Radial if you need a tad bit more blue bar in long fights.
4) Fire/Traps Corruptor: Totally agree with Justaris on this one. Musculature or Spiritual, depending on how you're slotted.
Since I finished getting the Alpha slots filled on most of my 50's, I've spent my time lately leveling up some neglected alts. But now there are not only more Alpha slotting options, but the alts I've leveled up are AT's or powersets that are less familiar to me, too.
I'm at a loss on how to proceed. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with Alpha slotting some of these powersets? All use IO sets, and are probably similarly slotted like everyone else. *Plant/Storm Controller. (It's taken me like 4 years to get to 50... and have finally figured out how to play storm somewhat decently. Now I gotta figure out how to Alpha this?? ACK!) Ranged defense is soft-capped, and recharge bonus is 161% (+hasten). 02 Boost and Spirit Tree are only marginally slotted at this point (am hoping to pick up a few spare slots after Alpha is slotted, though that's not a priority). Also, have end issues if I'm running hurricane very long (like an AV fight). Am leaning toward Spiritual Core, but am wondering if Musculature might be more useful - not just for the damage, but for the secondary defense debuffs in several damage-slotted powers? *Earth/Fire Dom. Doms are brand new to me, so I don't have a clue. This one is too squishy, which might just be the nature of the beast, or might be that I'm just doing it wrong - I have no point of reference, sadly. And though recharge time should be close to perma-dom, I seem to be dominating less often than I'd like. So, Intuition (radial) looks really good on paper, but I have no experience with it. Or, do I want Spiritual (core), or even Musculature? *Fortunata/Night Widow. Again, no previous experience with this AT. The Fort side seems to be a bit lacking in damage, but otherwise there are no real problem areas to address. What works best for a fairly well-balanced SoA? *Archery/Rad Corruptor. I think I've gone Spiritual (core) with every corruptor I've made, because there's always been some key power that I want to come up asap. That's less of an issue with this particular combination, so is this still the best choice here? Am wondering if Musculature (core) might be a better choice? (Or something else?) *Fire/Traps Corruptor. Ok, she's only 41. But I love this powerset, play it a lot, and will probably hit 50 in the near future. What works best for this? (Oh, I don't use any bombs. Might pick some up if I have nothing else to fill a power slot) Thanks in advance for any ideas or suggestions! |
My goal on almost all my toons is soft capped def with very few exceptions. I want my melee toons to have as much positional def (to the soft cap) as I can get and I want my range toons to have range and AoE def soft capped. I generally try to do this without alpha so the vast majority of my toons take agility. The end mod portion puts me over the top on my end problems and recharge is always good as I don't use purples on most of my toons. The def buff boosts me past the soft cap, often between 5-10%.
Most people will scoff at this (and often to my face) cause, really, who needs more than the soft cap? Well, my answer is generally that most toons don't have def debuff resistance, so def debuffs can stack quickly making any def I have completly irrelevant. By exceeding the cap, if some def debuff makes it through, I've got a little give to get me through the fight and time for the debuff to wear off. Stacked vengance on Nem can melt most of my toons if I'm not careful and if the mob you're fighting happens to have tactics (or some other to hit buff), soft capped def doesn't mean the same thing anymore. In addition, I'm not often fighting even level mobs. When doing incarnate stuff, often you are up against +2 or +3 mobs which, if it's bosses EBs or AVs, changes the conversation entirely. The soft cap only applies to a critter who is +5 or less, which equates to a +3 boss or a +4 lt, not to mention EBs and AVs.
The exceptions that I have to Agility are willpower toons, dominators and toons that have huge end problems. Doms and willpower, I generally take spiritual for recharge and heal. Cardiac for those with large end problems.
I don't find the rest of the alphas to be worthwhile. I figure, if I'm dead, more damge/accuracy/mez isn't going to help me. My damage mitigation is to not take any damage with def. More mez doesn't help as much as recharge does as your mez powers will come up more quickly. While missing is irritating to say the least, marginal increases in accuracy won't help as much as a faster recharging power.
Moar damage while sounds good in theory, in practicality, the extra damage won't decrease significantly the amount of attacks you use in any particular battle, though on the whole, you will defeat enemies faster. However, if you've got recharge, you might be able to replace low damage powers with high damage powers that pop, increasing the effectiveness of your attack chain.
Just some high level thoughts. You gotta match the alpha not only with the toon but with your play style and when people tell you're doing it wrong, take that with a grain of salt. There are only a few things in this game that are truly doing it wrong. I'm guilty of telling people they're doing it wrong and often wish I could take it back. Such is life, I suppose. Good luck.
Badge-Hunter: @Dogma
CIT: @Dogma
XFire: BrckaLo
Playfire: BrckaLo
GamerDNA: CoHDogma
I've gotta second most everything Dogma just said.
Especially the last paragraph. Far too often people tend to assume that there is just one right way to do things. Even with two people with identical builds pre-incarnates, it might not be best for them to have the same alpha (or any other incarnate choice for that matter) if they don't have identical play styles or identical skill levels.
Anyone else see the irony of a paragraph with that sentiment being posted by someone with that name?
Note: I'm not intending that as any sort of a slur against Dogma, the player. That comment is entirely based on the dictionary definition of the name only. Just wanted to try and avoid any hurt feelings or misinterpretations before they occur, as after I reread my own post I saw a potential for it to be read in a way I did not intend.
Thank you all so much for your responses!
Honestly, I am relieved to see that there are a wide variety of preferences going on. I think a lot more of the game is about playstyles than it is about builds, even though we tend to talk about builds alone. I know I have a few characters (whom I think are rather effective) who are not played at all as others having the same powerset, and near-identical power selections - I bet you guys do, too.
I took notes on all the feedback, and am going to let it all simmer in the back of my mind until I have enough shards to actually take the plunge - I figure by that time, having the information you so kindly supplied, the best choice for each will be obvious (Though Spiritual may well win out for most of them).
Thank you again for taking the time to post, it is really, really appreciated!
I think you are very correct, _eeek_ and that many people forget that. Playstyle will drive a lot of choices as much as anything else. And subtle differences in slotting that you might have made to accommodate your play style that I'd not have done, etc, etc can further drive a different choice.
I'd say your final choice is the right one. Get your build IOed and collect shards while you do. Once your IOing is mostly finished, see what you really wish you had more of. Alpha for that. Then your choice will fit your build and style. If you still have needs/wants, get that through the other Incarnate Abilities.
That said however, some things are easier to get with some slots than others. Interface can help with damage or survivability, but outside of ending fights faster, can't help much with end management, for example. You can fill a lot of holes with Destiny, but usually not many at once. So it might behoove you to look at the other Incarnate slots and abilities and think about what you'll take there, too, before you settle on a final alpha choice.
Thank you all so much for your responses!
Honestly, I am relieved to see that there are a wide variety of preferences going on. I think a lot more of the game is about playstyles than it is about builds, even though we tend to talk about builds alone. I know I have a few characters (whom I think are rather effective) who are not played at all as others having the same powerset, and near-identical power selections - I bet you guys do, too. I took notes on all the feedback, and am going to let it all simmer in the back of my mind until I have enough shards to actually take the plunge - I figure by that time, having the information you so kindly supplied, the best choice for each will be obvious (Though Spiritual may well win out for most of them). Thank you again for taking the time to post, it is really, really appreciated! |
Since I finished getting the Alpha slots filled on most of my 50's, I've spent my time lately leveling up some neglected alts. But now there are not only more Alpha slotting options, but the alts I've leveled up are AT's or powersets that are less familiar to me, too.
I'm at a loss on how to proceed. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with Alpha slotting some of these powersets? All use IO sets, and are probably similarly slotted like everyone else.
*Plant/Storm Controller. (It's taken me like 4 years to get to 50... and have finally figured out how to play storm somewhat decently. Now I gotta figure out how to Alpha this?? ACK!) Ranged defense is soft-capped, and recharge bonus is 161% (+hasten). 02 Boost and Spirit Tree are only marginally slotted at this point (am hoping to pick up a few spare slots after Alpha is slotted, though that's not a priority). Also, have end issues if I'm running hurricane very long (like an AV fight). Am leaning toward Spiritual Core, but am wondering if Musculature might be more useful - not just for the damage, but for the secondary defense debuffs in several damage-slotted powers?
*Earth/Fire Dom. Doms are brand new to me, so I don't have a clue. This one is too squishy, which might just be the nature of the beast, or might be that I'm just doing it wrong - I have no point of reference, sadly. And though recharge time should be close to perma-dom, I seem to be dominating less often than I'd like. So, Intuition (radial) looks really good on paper, but I have no experience with it. Or, do I want Spiritual (core), or even Musculature?
*Fortunata/Night Widow. Again, no previous experience with this AT. The Fort side seems to be a bit lacking in damage, but otherwise there are no real problem areas to address. What works best for a fairly well-balanced SoA?
*Archery/Rad Corruptor. I think I've gone Spiritual (core) with every corruptor I've made, because there's always been some key power that I want to come up asap. That's less of an issue with this particular combination, so is this still the best choice here? Am wondering if Musculature (core) might be a better choice? (Or something else?)
*Fire/Traps Corruptor. Ok, she's only 41. But I love this powerset, play it a lot, and will probably hit 50 in the near future. What works best for this? (Oh, I don't use any bombs. Might pick some up if I have nothing else to fill a power slot)
Thanks in advance for any ideas or suggestions!