Psi/MM Blaster or Mind/Psi Dominator?




I initially had a fully ioed mind/psi dominator before I went crazy one night and deleted a few too many characters. However I am having difficulty deciding on which character to remake. I love the controls of a mind dominator. Nothing like doing the clones arc where your 8 identical clones are all confused tk'ing each other around the room.

However I can't help think that I maybe a more offensive style would be a better end game option as in other similar games I have a psychic they are more offensive in nature. I am making this character so I can play through all the arcs that have been added in the past few issues for lower levels.

Any suggestions to what you personally feel is the best or what your own personal experiences are?

Thanks in advance fellow forumites.

47 Month Vet
Main: Sullster: Level 51 STJ/SR Speedster



For mind control, I like the Mind/Time synergy in controllers...but a mind/psi dom is a good thing.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by Sullster View Post
I initially had a fully ioed mind/psi dominator before I went crazy one night and deleted a few too many characters. However I am having difficulty deciding on which character to remake. I love the controls of a mind dominator. Nothing like doing the clones arc where your 8 identical clones are all confused tk'ing each other around the room.

However I can't help think that I maybe a more offensive style would be a better end game option as in other similar games I have a psychic they are more offensive in nature. I am making this character so I can play through all the arcs that have been added in the past few issues for lower levels.

Any suggestions to what you personally feel is the best or what your own personal experiences are?

Thanks in advance fellow forumites.
What happens when your confused clones use their confusion power on each other? Does it reconfuse them and effectively cancel the prior confusion or does it just increase the confusion magnitude?



Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
What happens when your confused clones use their confusion power on each other? Does it reconfuse them and effectively cancel the prior confusion or does it just increase the confusion magnitude?
Confuse doesn't cause foes to generically "change sides." It causes them to target and attack any faction flagged as 'enemy' to players, and not target any entities flagged as 'ally.' So if they confuse a target, the target just attacks more of the player's foes.

As for the question at hand: I'm HIGHLY biased, my main character being a Mind/Psi dom since doms existed, but that'll tell you just how much mileage mind/psi doms can give you. Blasters got a slightly modified version of psi blast, which lost the extra range it had in the hands of defenders. Aside from that it's a decent set, and along with /mental can be pretty safe. Just know that it won't be anywhere near as safe as the Mind/Psi dom, as that has superior control, drain psyche, and mez protection. (The last gained via domination) If you are looking into investing IO's into the character, the dominator will benefit far more from that.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Confuse doesn't cause foes to generically "change sides." It causes them to target and attack any faction flagged as 'enemy' to players, and not target any entities flagged as 'ally.' So if they confuse a target, the target just attacks more of the player's foes.

As for the question at hand: I'm HIGHLY biased, my main character being a Mind/Psi dom since doms existed, but that'll tell you just how much mileage mind/psi doms can give you. Blasters got a slightly modified version of psi blast, which lost the extra range it had in the hands of defenders. Aside from that it's a decent set, and along with /mental can be pretty safe. Just know that it won't be anywhere near as safe as the Mind/Psi dom, as that has superior control, drain psyche, and mez protection. (The last gained via domination) If you are looking into investing IO's into the character, the dominator will benefit far more from that.
I agree I know first hand the sheer power of the mind/psi dom. I loved how one of the arc missions where you face the army alone I just had the boss mobs take care of themselves.

Ive just got that wondering notion about what a blaster psi would be like.

Thanks for the feedback so far. Any other views?

47 Month Vet
Main: Sullster: Level 51 STJ/SR Speedster



I love blasters, but I would not make a Psi/MM in preference to a Mind/Psi Dom. Drain Psyche in /MM is indeed awesomesauce, especially as a survival tool for the Blaster, but with the Dom you still get Drain Psyche plus a ton of other fun stuff as well.

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Defiant @Grouchybeast
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Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
I love blasters, but I would not make a Psi/MM in preference to a Mind/Psi Dom. Drain Psyche in /MM is indeed awesomesauce, especially as a survival tool for the Blaster, but with the Dom you still get Drain Psyche plus a ton of other fun stuff as well.

i agree to this statement, however, as much as i love the mind control on doms, my main is a psi/mm blaster and although he dies a bit often because of my reckless playing style, hes good fun, and of course as the consensus goes drain psyche is the main reason for the good survivability, again i would pick a mind/mm anyday, but i lovem y main and its all down to personal preference, as an idea, i suggest you make both these types and test them out see how you like the mileage.