Dissapointed with Redside WST selection

Agent White



I know that there are less SF's redside than there are TF's blueside, so I expect a bit more repition but its starting to get silly - in April Ice Mistral was the WST every other week and they are repeating that with May.

It not like they even pick interesting SF's in the off week - its almost always a respec trial or some high level co-op TF.

Please folks - could we get SOME kind of variation on redside. I know you all hate redside () but this is getting old.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



I think it's more indicative that there's just a problem with whoever is choosing the targets. Redside may be sick of Mistral, but blueside is getting pretty tired of alternating Numina/Eden all the time too.

There are tons of different task forces and strikes forces to use. Why we keep getting the same 35-40 batch again and again and again is absolutely mind boggling.

Where's the ITF? Where's Lady Grey? Heck, Dr. Kahn/Barracuda and Statesman/Recluse! Why not Sister Psyche and Silver Mantis?

Even if we don't have a 30-35 Strike force, we've got -tons of other pairings they could use-. They don't have to keep repeating the eden/Mistral Numina/Mistral pairing.



I'll put it here rather than start another thread with my WST selection complaint, because it's related: I just went back over the list, and nothing below level 20 has been in the WST list since last August. The reason you're seeing the same WSTs over and over again is that whoever is selecting these seems to have a serious objection to exemping down to below 40, or to assume that we do, even for double rewards.

I've spent much of the last issue working on low level alts, and every week I kept thinking, "What's this week's WST? Nothing any of my non-50s can run. Huh. Maybe next week." Looks like I'll keep thinking that, too.