Exalted Move
Having moved a few 50's and started some new toons on Exalted when it first started up, I eventually left.
I would recommend you stay put on Freedom if you're happy there or try Virtue instread. They seem to be more active and less clique-ish than Exalted.
We don' need no stinkin' signatures!
That's what I kind of thought. I am glad I saved my Transfers. Thanks for your input!
Freedom Server--GoldenFire Kin, Piler, I AM WAR, Sir Slickshot, Lil Pea, Captain Niteforce, Massive Package, American Chick, Orion K9 and more..
The only real benefit is that you can't access your toons on that server if you ever let your account lapse.
.......O wait.
Thinking about moving some 50's to Exalted but so far I have yet to see the benefits behind it by reading some of the threads. I have 20 lvl 50's PvP and PvE with 7 more slots I use to try out power sets with. Any particular benefits on Exalted that I wouldn't get with Freedom that is still quite active?
Freedom Server--GoldenFire Kin, Piler, I AM WAR, Sir Slickshot, Lil Pea, Captain Niteforce, Massive Package, American Chick, Orion K9 and more..