Innocouos Strike and Brute ATO Proc




Ok so after posting on the player help forum about the brute proc I think I finally understands how it works . It doesnt work like the other procs in that you can slot it in any move no matter aoe or single target.

Now my question is after looking at a lot of builds on the forums it seems like alot of ppl are slotting the fury proc in innocouos strike for staff fighting. So for anyone who has the proc in that move are you able to get full fury? I have mine slotted in sky splitter currently and i cant even get to 90% fury. Not sure if its because its a finisher move or what not.

My wife has her proc slotted in precise strike and while she does not get full fury she does get higher than mine.

Someone on the help forum said he maintains full fury with the proc in mercurial blow. So Im jus wondering as any of you brutes out there with staff are you able to get full fury and what move do you recommend slotting the fury proc in?

Any advice is greatly welcomed



I also have a hard time figuring out where it would be best to slot this proc in a staff/elec brute, especially when procs get PPM, any help would be appreciated.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.