MFing Warshade Build Critique




Hi guys,

My current MFing Warshade is badly in need of some constructive build critique. My playstyle favours tanking large numbers of enemies and then blasting them to tiny pieces of mush. So ideally I'm looking at getting my def as close to the soft cap as I can. Also bear in mind that I have only one respec left (the free one that arrived today) so I need to get this right. Personally I think that my Dark Nova Bolt and Blast are overslotted, but I lack the knowledge to maximise where those slots should be to get the most out of this build. Any critique and advice will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks



Well. You're sacrificing some things I wouldn't for defense... but then, that tends to be a matter of what you want out of a build. Still, I can see a few possibilities for refinement.

-Knockback protection. You've got two IOs worth. The general consensus seems to be that anything where one IO isn't enough will either take 3, or will take more than you're going to get. Personally I favor BotZ in Shadow Recall. It recharges fast enough. If you decided to go with only one, that'd let you move a +Def unique from Black Dwarf to Absorption and free up a slot. As for Shadow Cloak, you could put the GotA +runspeed or Kismet unique there. Or you could add a third -kb IO. I find just one usually gets the job done though.

-The Aegis unique you've got in Gravity Shield really doesn't help that much. I'd put the other +Def unique there, and save another slot.

-Your eclipse is near-perma when Hasten is up. But you're not really all that close to perma on that yet, so... I haven't the faintest idea what your average cycle time would end up beign. I suspect it's more than I'd like if I were you though. A few things I suggest below will relate to that...

-I'm really surprised you don't have any Obliterations. More global recharge and a nice chunk of melee/smashing/lethal defense, seems like they'd be great for you. Also has more recharge enhancement, which I think is more useful for Sunless Mire than the endurance reduction.

--I'd go with Obliteration for Black Dwarf Mire too. Unless you're really hot after the bonuses from Devastation, I'd stick the ATOs in Dark Nova Blast.

---If you were going to do that, you might also consider putting the Recharge/Form Enhancement in Shadow Bolt instead. The recharge is still good without it, and that saves you another slot. (The six slot bonus isn't that good anyway.)

-If you're going to have Dark Nova Bolt slotted (and I've seen arguments both for and against), why not a 5-slot Decimation for more recharge? Or you could go Thunderstrike for some e/n defense, it's pretty common in late-game.

-Personally I'd rather have the performance shifter proc in Black Dwarf than Dark Nova. Dwarf seems to have more end problems in my experience.

-You're always going to get looks askance having the Numina proc in a click, but with the way Stygian Circle gets used, you'll probably have it most of the time. You'd probably still be better off moving the second slot to Health and putting it there.

--As for the other slot in SC? EndMod's better, really. It's already a near-full heal even with only one target. Adding EndMod gives you more staying power in not-enough-bodies environments.

-Unless you really like the heal of Essence Drain, why not Gravity Well instead? Does a lot more damage, and even a single-target hold has many uses. And did I mention that it does a ton of damage?

-Black Dwarf Drain has pretty good damage too - less than smite, but more than strike. Why not give it some damage? I'd move the slots from Brawl there, and use the four KCs + a suitable pair of enhancements from TotN. (I like Heal + Accuracy/Heal, myself.)

-Oh yeah, about those Kinetic Combat's. The knockdown bonus may be an economical choice, but it leaves the enhancement numbers a bit anemic. There may also be an undesirable interaction there. If things work the way I've been lead to belive, 6% of the time the knockdown in the attack and the proc will fire at the same time, the game will add together the mags, and you'll get knockback. I once had some unfortuante set bonuses that lead to my dwarf attacks doing knockback, and take it from me, it's annoying.

-Six-slotting the purple set in Gravitic Emanation doesn't add much duration over various 5-slot combinations, and the effect will be even more diminished if you go for the Spiritual Alpha. I'd drop either Stun or End/Stun.

... I think that's all I've got right now.




Thanks Morgan, appreciate the input. I've made a few modifications that you suggested.

S/L defence now 10% away from the softcap, 90% global recharge, a slight concession to accuracy in Eclipse, but overall accuracy bonuses are decent and solvable with a yellow insp or hitting a mire first (I generally hit a dwarf mire before eclipse so I know how many targets are in range). I may have missed something somewhere though...



Well, after some balancing of the books, here is my final (more or less) Tri-Form MFing build.

With 40% S/L defense and 31% Melee defense, I'm pretty hard to hit. Eclipse has taken a bit of a downgrade to get the Reactive Armour set in there, but I have now got 5 Enhancement boosters on all 5 enhancements in Eclipse which has mitigated this to an extent. Still have decent accuracy, more or less perma with Hasten up, and can softcap Resistance with 5 targets. Overall, performance has been very good, certainly better than I've ever managed to get before. With the QoL benefit from the instant form shifting coming in Issue 23, things will only get better. Toggle suppression would be nice, to get the Gravity Shield and Leadership bonuses to increase Human-form survivability when hitting double Mires, Eclipse and Stygian Circle, but time will tell on that one.

Any thoughts, tips, critiques?
