



Hi everyone,

I've been trying to come up with a reasonably inexpensive build (in the neighborhood of 700M-1B) for my mind/dark/ice that achieves permadom without hasten, and has at least some S/L defense. The build below has 126% global recharge before hasten, and has 33% S/L defense in combat. I'd like to avoid making any assumptions about Incarnate powers, but if doing so allows a particularly cool benefit, that can change.

There are a few things I'm unsure of, though:

1. Does the +7.5% recharge in Basilisk's Gaze conflict (via the rule of 5) with the 5 LoTGs, or are they considered separate bonuses?

2. Life drain's slotting seems a little off, but I need the recharge and am unsure what else to do with it. Suggestions?

3. Should Sleet be slotted for -def, or is accuracy and the Achilles proc good enough? I'd have to pull slots from another power to do much more with it.

4. Are Sleep and Confuse purples still on the cheap side, or have converters equalized things? Should I invest in different purple sets?

5. Have I made any glaring omissions/mistakes, or missed an opportunity to get better recharge/defense values?

Thanks for your input, here's the build!

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



I haven't looked at the build (at work, no Mid's) and haven't checked the market for much of anything lately, but I'll take a shot at the questions I can answer.

1. They are separate bonuses, so you can have 5 LotGs and 5 Basilisk's Gazes.

2. Once again I haven't seen the build. I slot it as an attack and let the heal take care of keeping my hit points topped off. Let's face it, you're playing a Mind Dominator - if something is attacking you it's because you let them or missed, and you shouldn't need to worry too much about needing the heal.

3. Sleet has plenty of -defense on its own and checks tohit 5 times a second. I personally prioritize recharge, then accuracy, and fit an Achilles' proc in when I can (it has 2 chances to fire). If you get a good set bonus out of it, slot it for more; otherwise it's a great power on its own.

4. Haven't seen the market. Sorry.

5. Haven't seen the build.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.