A little project




From reading posts from alot of new players. I noticed that many of them are a little hesitant to get into base building. Many are intimidated by the mega-monster bases they have been in.

I was trying to think of a good RP base for a particular toon. So, I decided to do a 'base on a budget' idea.

This is on redside, virtue. It's done in the style of a brownstone / loft. The whole base costs less than a single enhancement table. If anyone wants a closer look. Find me on @raverbane in BaseBuildersInc.



Beautiful work of art you got there!

Very nice!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Pretty, not very functional, but pretty.



Love the hot tub and fireplace ideas.



Originally Posted by Netphenix5 View Post
Love the hot tub and fireplace ideas.
Oh, so that's what that is. Might need to invest in a couple slow fields.



I've been inside this base, and it's very well done.

He avoided using a slow field in the hot tub (and kept the cost down) by locating the hot tub above the base portal below, so that the swirly graphics from that came up inside the tub. Very nice budget effect!

Oh! The motorcycle in the garage space is Fantastic!



Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
Oh, so that's what that is. Might need to invest in a couple slow fields.
Good luck trying to place a slow field in the entry room.

I recognized it instantly, Swergen.

Nice work.