(elec)/dark - thoughts on aoe?
Electric control is a set best used from the middle of a mob so you can leverage the end drain to back up your sleep and chain confuse, so any cone AoE damage is going to be iffy to use at best with it. If you are going for a high recharge, perma-dom build you will find that sleet and ice storm will be up fairly frequently - between those and engulfing darkness you will probably have all the AoE you need. My dark/dark dom at L37 is at 85% global + 3 slotted hasten, has 5s-7s recharge on engulfing darkness (5s when hasten is up) and 34s recharge on sleet. I stealth in (or fearsome stare everything), open with the stun, sleet then ED - after a couple of single target attacks I can finish most things off with a second ED.
If you don't think engulfing darkness + sleet + ice storm is enough, go with fire mastery for fire ball + rain of fire. You lose the debuff of sleet but a targetted AoE like fireball works very well with a pbaoe like engulfing darkness - and both let you stay in the center of the action to maximize the end drain from conductive aura.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13
Go for #4 : Drop Night Fail (I did on my Fire/Dark) and proc out your quick recharging AOE controls (Cages & Chain).
Fire APP will do more damage compared to Ice, but you sacrifice some nice defensive powers (Ice Armour, Hibernate and Hoarfrost).
I also took Spring Attack on mine for a bit more AOE but its recharge means its not going to feature in your attack chain much. It is useful in my Gather Shadows > Flashfire > Spring Attack > Engulfing Darkness opener.
I decided to make an elec/ dominator because I hadn't made an electric control character before and I have too many controllers (as much as such a thing is possible). After much agonizing I settled on dark assault to go with it (I liked the balance of melee, mitigation, and aoe). So I leveled it up a bit and got a power I've never had before. Night Fall.
Head-->desk A lowish damage cone compensated for by a short recharge is just fine when you don't have a busy aoe lineup. Make it deep+narrow though and it combines terribly with melee and pbaoe attacks. So now I'm reevaluating my aoe plans. I want to stick with an APP instead of a PPP and I don't want to pick up fire mastery, so here are the main possibilities I'm rolling around:
Elec/, Ice/, and Fire/ are designed to be played in melee range primaries. That means that I skip the cone. For all the other Primaries I skip the PBAoE.
So to answer your question..... Option 4 with Perma dom and I'm replacing Nightfall with Spring Attack from the leaping pool.
BTW Preemptive is a nice Interface power to use with Elec/
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Thanks for the replies, #4 it is.
I decided to make an elec/ dominator because I hadn't made an electric control character before and I have too many controllers (as much as such a thing is possible). After much agonizing I settled on dark assault to go with it (I liked the balance of melee, mitigation, and aoe). So I leveled it up a bit and got a power I've never had before. Night Fall.
A lowish damage cone compensated for by a short recharge is just fine when you don't have a busy aoe lineup. Make it deep+narrow though and it combines terribly with melee and pbaoe attacks.
So now I'm reevaluating my aoe plans. I want to stick with an APP instead of a PPP and I don't want to pick up fire mastery, so here are the main possibilities I'm rolling around:
- learn to live with night fall in melee and accept that I'm only ever going to be hitting a few targets with it. Sleet from Ice Mastery will make up for it, and it does have a pretty cool animation. Ice mastery also makes for a very survivable dominator.
- drop night fall, pick up psi mastery for link minds+psi tornado. This has the advantage of helping me build my defenses while fitting a force feedback proc into my regular attack chain. It's a bit hard on the endurance bar though.
- drop nightfall, pick up primal mastery for energy transfer+energy torrent. This gives me a high damage melee attack with even better dpa than smite (with life drain the health cost isn't a problem) and a wide cone that can also take the force feedback proc. Easier on endurance than psi mastery, but not such a great choice for defenses. I'd probably just rely on CC+life drain for defense and build for pure recharge.
- drop night fall, get some procs into electric fences and use it like an attack in addition to it's end drain/immob effect. Stick with Ice Mastery for sleet and survivability.
So, any thoughts? What are the rest of you doing for aoe damage?