Mightiest Brute given unlimited funds




This question is largely inspired by a comment I saw elsewhere on the forums that an Archery/Mental Blaster, given unlimited inf, could have the safety of a /Fire Brute, while putting out more damage. I suspect this was largely due to leveraging Rain of Arrows and Drain Psyche!

Which Brute primary and secondary powers and/or powersets, if you pour sufficient money into them, can make game balance cry Uncle the most? I know full well that an anything/anything Brute is awesome; I'm just curious as to whether the power shifts when backed up by enough money - not because I have that kind of money, sadly.



I have a Street/Fire Brute worked out on paper and done a couple different builds in MIDS that looks like It'll be sick. Have a couple new 50s that I'm working on first tho.



that depends on how you want to be unbalanced...for Damage...TW/Fire is going to put out the most...period.

For pure difficulty of being killed...DM/INV is hard to beat...and Katana/Dark is on the same level with a damage edge going to Katana/Dark.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



I put together a DM/Invul Brute a while back that I believe is unkillable by most normal content if played right. Unfortunately I nuked the build when I did a reformat and lost all of my mids data :'(

I think a SS/Elec or TW/Elec Brute, built for high recharge, defense and +HP would be a force to be reckoned with.

/DA probably beats everything for survivability though. You automatically take minions out of every fight and you can get really good defense and resistance numbers to everything plus Dark Regen is just amazing, especially with the +end proc.



I second Dark Armor. It has a self heal that can only be described as broken, healthy resistance to -end and -recovery, and the best all around damage resists... better than Granite (not accounting for Granite's Defenses obviously) if we are talking about all damage types since Dark Armor gives you heaping amounts of Psy Resist and a sizeable bit of Toxic as well. There's no Defense Debuff resistance, so you want to get your Defenses high right off the bat, hence the Katana suggestion. Dark Melee / Dark Armor is still very good, but Katana / Dark Armor and TW / Dark Armor are still good choices. If you put a lot of work into them Invuln and Willpower are still very tough sets, but both suffer from the same "weakness" which is poorly distributed Resistances. All into S/L and gaping holes to everything else, and a reliance on a melee range buff. This causes skewed performance where Invulns will be as tough as Granites when surrounded by S/L Mobs that are melee focused like on an ITF, but get gunned down hilariously when they try to pull Nightstar and her Energy Damage on a BAF. I still cast my personal vote for Katana / Dark Armor OR War Mace / Dark Armor (lots of 100% chance for Knockdown attacks, excellent mitigation).

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