Help me with my settings....
There are 3 settings that affect darkness of objects and the game in general.
Ambient Occlusion
Bloom makes things brighter or darker depending on the colors present being light or dark, as well as ambient light. It mostly makes things brighter.
Gamma just adjust screen brightness, which tends to be best left alone if you don't want colors changing.
Ambient Occlusion depends on the setting but tends to make things darker.
There may be other settings such as shadows affecting it.
A picture of what is going on and what your graphics are set at would help though. It may just be the way it should work, or we could see what is wrong.
try checking the graphics properties for your Windows desktop and tweaking the settings there.
Different screens will respond differently in terms of brightness, contrast and colour balance.
Also there are settings on the monitor itself.
Most if not all graphics cards come with utilities to callibrate your monitor these days and you should not expect displays to be anything close to identical without calibration. In practice you will only notice a problem when you compare displays.
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Hello all.
Recently, I bought a new computer (yay!) After several years of using my laptop, I was able to put aside enough money for a decent gaming computer. I was thrilled that it let me max out everything and still run super smooth. My only problem is that the game has become quite dark now.
Playing on my laptop, everything is bright and colourful. On my new system, it is much darker (which looks more realistic, but makes some things hard to see...) and I get weird effects like characters with black capes having something of a black aura around the cape until I get within a certain range. I am wondering what it might be. I don't know what specifically controls the darkness. It is not related to shadows, as I have played with that to no effect.
Any ideas?
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