Two teleport-related suggestion/gripes




These are partially cosmetic, partially QOL stuff.

1) Please, PLEASE change the long range TP to select the destination before the wind-up. I hate having to go vooooooOOOOOOOOOMFOOOSH.... :: stands around looking silly for a moment, then clicks and fades ::

2) Possibly change the base teleporter vet reward power to work like the Ouroboros portal? Shorter cast time, generates a temporary gateway on the ground that your team-mates can use to bail through.

Neither is a major issue, I'm not about to stop using the powers or storm into the distance in a huff to play another game, but a change would really make me happy.



Originally Posted by Mechalith View Post
1) Please, PLEASE change the long range TP to select the destination before the wind-up. I hate having to go vooooooOOOOOOOOOMFOOOSH.... :: stands around looking silly for a moment, then clicks and fades ::
The AH Teleporter works the same way (I think the base portal does as well if you're on a team, not sure though). Having it pop open the menu as it starts the animation would be nice, to give you the least amount of thumb up your nose time.

Not really feeling it one way or another for #2.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



I like both suggestions, but then again I'm all about helping team mates anyway. Dropable base portal FTW.

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