Is my DM/Regen worth saving?




Let me preface this by saying that my DM/Regen scrapper was originally created on the day CoH launched and was the first character I ever leveled to 50 in the game which unfortunately is a double edged sword. While the character holds great sentimental attachment for me, that is strongly tempered by the fact that my favorite times playing him were back in the days pre-issue 6 where he could easily run with prema-hasten and 1200%+ regen active continuously making him a nigh-invincible melee machine.

Today I look at the character and even with IOs I can't see bringing him back to anything close to what he once was. Even worse when I compare it to what a similar DM/WP build today could look like and I just don't see how my DM/Regen can compare.

After all, the /WP build has similar base regen levels, decent boosted regen when engaging multiple opponents with no time limits on the extra regen (unlike today's version of "instant" healing), and the ability to easily have much, much higher defensive levels over a /regen build.

And adding one more thing to the mix is that these days you can build a DM/Regen or DM/WP Brute blue side which potentially allows the character to access the Brute Mu ancillary pool to pick up two AoE attacks (which is the one serious hole in DM).

Which makes me question whether it would just be better to rebuild the character as DM/WP scrapper or brute and be done with it.




Regen is great take rebirth destiny incarnate radial side for +regen and roll with it. My claws/regen is is going strong with lots of use. I use rebirth as my go to panic button then IH then MoG if it gets real hairy. Rebirth is like IH but down for about as long as it is up (2 mins up 2 mins down) and it has a heal up front in addition to +regen.

Another thing too...with your build done can cap regen running both IH and Rebirth if you needed if you have DP permanent, you're regening tons of HP, my scrapper regens about 300 HP/sec if I am absolutely getting shredded and use all panic buttons (I consider DP a regular thing because I have it on auto and it would stack for about 15 secs if I didn't have capped HP already)

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



In a game ruled by AoE, I don't miss my DM/Reg at all. Interesting powerset, effective single-target however I felt DC was a bit redundant on a Regen. SD also pairs better with a secondary better able to make use of that +damage.



Originally Posted by Kitty_Eater View Post
In a game ruled by AoE, I don't miss my DM/Reg at all. Interesting powerset, effective single-target however I felt DC was a bit redundant on a Regen. SD also pairs better with a secondary better able to make use of that +damage.
That's why you slot Dark Consumption with Obliteration on a /Regen. Between a Soul Drained Dark Consumption and a Fireball, I regularly do more damage than my Ionic Judgement. (Yeah, yeah, Ionic's range is better, has a chance to do more damage against Minions, etc, etc, etc). It's definitely a good addition to AoE damage for a single target specialist. Not much better to charge into an EB's group, get a full Soul Drain, kill all the minions with Fireball/Dark Consumption and then go to town on the EB with the majority of Soul Drain's buff time left.

Random side note: My DM/Regen is a launch character as well and has *always* felt more sturdy than either of my /WP Brutes. (DM and SS in case it matters)

Beowulf -
Too many Alts, not enough 50's. Story of my life...