Tanker Tuesday - Tuesday March 20





When: March 20th @ 9PM (Eastern) / 8PM (Central) / 7PM (Mountain) / 6PM (Pacific)
Where: Kings Row (by the gate to Independence Port)
Who: Tankers (of any level)

Why: Tanker Tuesday is an event that occurs every Tuesday, but switches which server it takes place on weekly. (This week it's Freedom.) So if you enjoy playing Tankers and want to team up with other people who feel likewise, then come join us for some all-Tanker teaming mayhem.

How: Typically, several of the TT veterans will begin forming teams once the start time rolls around. Just listen to what each particular team leader is recruiting for and let him/her know if you'd like to join his/her group. There's always a team running radio missions so that anyone can participate regardless of level or status (free, premium, vip), and other teams will usually run things like tip missions, task forces, trials, the WST, etc.

If you have any questions, feel free to ping me here on the forums or in-game (@TBoxer). There's also an official global channel for Tanker Tuesday called TankHQ that you can hop onto, and you can also check out this month's TT thread over in the Tankers sub-forum if you'd like.

Winteriel Ice/Fire/Soul Tanker | @TBoxer Global | City of Heroes R.I.P. (2004-2012)



Just a friendly reminder TT is tonight so all tanks of all levels welcome.