Comparing having a Dam/Rech to a Proc...




Unsure how to explain my question yet I have an Archery/Ice/Cold Blaster.

Currently he has these powers 5 slotted I'm asking questions about:

Clilblain: Gravitational Anchor [All minus Imm/Rech]
Fistful of Arrows: Positron's Blast [All minus Dam/Rech]
Blazing Arrow: Apoclypse [All munis Dam/Rech]
Explosive Arrow: Superior Blaster's Wrath [All minus Dam/Rech]

Since I haven't fiddled with this build in years, aside from adding the Blaster Enhancements, I'm wondering this...

I took those 4 sets' Procs. Gravitational Anchor has Chance for Hold, Fistful of Arrows has Chance for Energy Damage. Blazing Arrow has Chance for Negative Damage. Explosive has Chance for Fire Damage.

I'm wondering would I get more damage and immobilization if I picked the [Dam/Rech and Imm/Rech] instead of the Proc?

If need be, I can post the compared builds but looking at Mid's I can't tell. I don't know how to factor in how often a Proc works so yeah. I basically just want to know which'll get me more damage and Imm in the long run of fighting. The Dam/Rech and Imm/Rech or the procs?

Hope that makes sense.



I'm looking forward to reading what the math gurus tell you. Without looking it up, my gut says that you can skip one of the 6 in any set and go with the proc - but dam/rec is not the one to skip.

If noone else has chimed in, I'll take a peek at it on Tuesday. (hey, it's 2xp! I got work to do!)

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Out of those powers, what would be the best to leave out then? I still want to know the answer to my question but now you make me curious which one you'd think is best to leave out?

Also as a note, I have added +5 to all my enhancements.



Typically the straight up Damage or Immobilize is the one to skip with the Damage/Rech or Mez/Rech getting usage. This is due to ED which will hit the damage or mez portion fairly hard. That said I'm no math fiend, you will do a little more damage with each attack going straight up damage (vs damage/rech) etc.. The catch is you'll also fire off the attack slower owing to the lesser recharge value so I believe (and understand) that your net dps will in fact be slightly lower. (I believe you'll put the damage and rech in the "yellow and yellow" vs "red and green/uneffected by ED"). I'd hazard to guess it's also only important if you are going toe to toe with a hard target (read EB, AV, Pylon or other large sack of HP). In normal missions you'll be switching targets, moving from mob to mob etc. and the difference will be hardly noticeable.

Not as sure of the Blaster ATO, if it's a similar difference (play time very limited and no experience yet with ATO's). Toss in the ability to use boosters and I'd guess there's even less difference in net damage if you use and boost the Dam/Rech. I don't currently have access to Mids but Mids does or can display the proc damage averaged into the values (iirc it's typically +14 damage [-> 20% of 72 damage] when averaged in per typical proc, 33 for each purple proc). I would not skip the proc in any case ... its damage is uneffected by ED and damage caps and will normally give you more net damage than a straight up damage enhancement anytime you are limited by either ED or the damage cap (and this is even more true when talking about 'Purples or Superior' procs).




So you're basically saying if I was to leave out any Enhancement from a set like that, it should be the Damage instead of Damage/Recharge but because I could use the extra recharge? I already have 158% global recharge and perma hasten. Also, my AT enhancements are superiors.

Also, Proc's chance for damage aren't effected by ED? Hmm, is the amount of damage the chance deals effected by set bonuses that grant more boost to damage or is the chance's damage amount always going to be the same number?



That's right. The procs damage isn't affected by ED. Or by anything else that I'm aware of. The only way I know of to make a proc do more damage is to debuff the targets Res.



Just a quick point: The superior ATO proc in Blazing Arrow should have an 83% proc chance, making it a no-brainer to keep.




When i comes to purple sets the 53% enhancement is almost always worthless unless your splitting the set up. here's what I reccomend doing, get titan sentintinel use that to copy your live build into something you can feed into mids and look at all the places your slotted for more than 89% of given enhancable attribute with incarnate turned off.



| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



All your attacks have ~140% damage before ED. That is about 40% enhancement that is wasted because ED brings those numbers way down. Your final damage enhancement is only ~100%. Wasted wasted.

Rain of Arrows is **182%** before ED. That is super duper overkill. Your final damage is only 107% after ED.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Defragment View Post
Out of those powers, what would be the best to leave out then? I still want to know the answer to my question but now you make me curious which one you'd think is best to leave out?

Also as a note, I have added +5 to all my enhancements.
I usually drop the Dam/End

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I'm farily sure my damage before ED is high because of the enhancement boosters I used on everything I have equipped. I figured, what the hell, I had tons of those boosters so just weirdly dumped them on the build.



Now I'm curious how someone would re-work my build that I posted, heh. Would be curious to see someone else's take on it.

I like having Perma-hasten, capped HP and enough recovery to handle running chilling embrace, super speed, sprint, frozen armor, tough, weave, menuvers and assault.

That build is supposed to also be able to handle Lethal and Smashing.