Where is Rad/Rad on the corruptor soloability spectrum?




One of the first villain characters I made, back in the first few months after CoV launched, was a Rad/Rad corruptor. I have always had a liking for Rad powers in general.
Long story short, I played him up to level 27 and gradually got tired of the slow and squishy-feeling soloing. My damage was nothing special, and my debuffs didn't seem to slow down the incoming damage much at all.

I am back in CoX now after a 3-year hiatus and would like to have another try at the corruptor class - preferably with my old Rad/Rad so that I can at least skip the first 27 levels But before I unlock this old character, I wonder whether this build is so much less soloable than the good powerset combos that I would be better off rerolling him as something else?
My ambition level is pretty low, I have no desire to play at +4/x8, but if I can't at least solo at +0/x1 without too much trouble, it seems a bit silly. +0/x2-3 with a fairly low death risk would be about right for me.

A bit of background information which might help:
- Although I prefer teaming over solo play, I have two small children in the house and therefore tend to play in 15-20 minute spurts, which is not conducive to good teaming. Hence the need for a soloable build.
- I am a tier 7 premium player.
- I have access to IOs but am on a low budget, so for enhancing I am limited to the plain IOs and the cheaper of the set IOs.
- I do have GR, so if moving this character from redside to blueside would make a difference, I can do that.

Many thanks in advance!



I remember the damage being a little low, but the more difficult problem was endurance.

I'd set to -1/4~6 so you can have large mobs for Irradiate. Using Bolt and Sands of Mu on Lts.

As a general habit I rarely use RI (while solo'ing) to save on endurance.

I'd skip X-ray Beam, Electron Haze, Proton Volley.

You're high enough to use Cosmic Burst and Neutron Bomb so damage shouldn't be a problem at your lvl.

perma jump is ---> /up 1



Many thanks for that. Those are very useful comments, I will take my old Rad/Rad out of long-term storage and give him another try, now that you have given me those suggestions on how to tweak him.



Originally Posted by Hindenburg View Post
I remember the damage being a little low, but the more difficult problem was endurance.

I'd set to -1/4~6 so you can have large mobs for Irradiate. Using Bolt and Sands of Mu on Lts.

As a general habit I rarely use RI (while solo'ing) to save on endurance.

I'd skip X-ray Beam, Electron Haze, Proton Volley.

You're high enough to use Cosmic Burst and Neutron Bomb so damage shouldn't be a problem at your lvl.
Agree but, I pick X-ray over neutron, because I put more weight on max damage than DPS than most players. I like snipes, and as far a snipes go, Proton is one of the better ones.

EDIT: just saw the RI comment... I have a Achilles' Heel: Chance for Resistance Debuff and 5 Dark Watcher IOs in my RI and use it every fight, soloing or not.

my 2 cents, YMMV

Nuclear Annihilation: 50. (Rad/Rad) Corruptor.
Quasar Eclipse: 50 Warshade.
Humanoid No. 7: 50 (Invuln/SS) Tank.




The only time I don't use RI is if I'm in a team where foes are getting slaughtered almost before it finishes animating - I prefer to help slaughter them faster and, at this point, the great mitigation isn't needed. Solo, I almost always use it, unless the group I'm fighting is too wimpy (usually won't happen, since I can crank up the dif) or I'm just dealing with a straggler or two. Later, if you manage to get lots of defense, RI might be less vital to your survival. Before that, it means a ton of mitigation.

ALWAYS use EF, in teams or solo. It animates fast and will increase damage considerably.

Try to stick in melee range of the mob (or at least hovering just above melee range if it's a group with dangerous melee - especially melee mezzers) so they stays clumped close to you (and your anchor) and well inside your debuffs, it helps a lot, and will help your irradiate too (and later your Dark Mastery goodies, if you go that route). If it's one of those mobs where half prefers to rush you and half prefers to stay at range, either close in on them yourself before they spread or, if they insist on staying spread around, pull with RI and get behind a corner so they have to come to you and clump nice and tight.

LR can help keep things inside your debuffs and/or away from you - especially if you have to retreat - but usually you can skip on using it unless you're fighting EBs/AVs.

You'll eventually get EM Pulse which will be a great panic button. One of the best controls in the game.

Endurance shouldn't be much of a problem while AM is up unless you're using choking cloud (is it? Did you slot your AM for rech and end mod? Are you taking advantage of inherent stamina and have you 3-slotted stamina?)... At least it never was for me even when running all Rad toggles except Choking, plus maneuvers, assault and hover and attacking like crazy. Choking cloud is a monstrous end-hog and I never found it adding that much to my survivability (everybody's to-hit was floored by RI anyway and whatever landed has -dam on top, even my tiny heal can usually handle it) - so I went with OG instead to stack with CB's stun on bosses and never looked back. I eventually picked Dark's endurance refilling power, too, for the seconds while AM is down, or for right after using EMP.

Doing that, you should be able to solo pretty well. You'll have decent AoE in Irradiate+Neutron, boosted by Aim whenever it's up (and later ridiculously boosted by Soul Drain most of the time), enemies with nearly floored to-hit (RI for a corr should do about -39% when well slotted, you only need 6% def to be at the softcap) and some -dam, CB doing good ST dam AND a Lt-level stun (which later you can turn into an insta boss stun with OG), and even a small self-heal to keep your health topped-up between fights.

Your second biggest problem will be getting mezzed. You have no innate protection against it (aside from the -to-hit which does help, but never stops that last 5% chance) and it will not only paralyze you, but drop your offensive toggles (RI, EF, later OG) where most of your mitigation AND help with offense reside. Getting mezzed for a rad is a lot more deadly than, say, for a dark, since once FS and TP are down, mobs will stay crippled even while you're mezzed...

So learn to find the mezzers and mez and kill them first (never use them as the anchor) and avoid being in melee with mobs with multiple melee-mezzers (malta springs to mind in the late game, freaks earlier). Carry lots of break-frees, make them from other insps during play and, if you see a mob with multiple mezzers that are likely to hit you, use them proactively instead of reactively, because before you get EMP as a panic button, having your RI/EF drop in the middle of a largeish mob carries a high risk of faceplanting. After you have EMP using BFs reactively is less of a pain. If you ever resub and go incarnate, getting Clarion will make you feel godly.

But your biggest problem will be soloing AVs/EBs who almost completely ignore your tasty to-hit debuff (and usually mez you quick, too). When fighting them, always carry purples and keep your defense soft-capped with them (and definitely use a break-free or two proactively as well). Thankfully, there's usually only one or two of those per mission (and not in most missions), and usually not together, so relying on insps isn't a deal breaker.

My Rad/Rad def got to 40-something before IOs were in the game playing exclusively solo and did fine. Nowadays with Clarion he's very tough (been soloing the SSA at +2x4 to take it easy - he has the 1 level-shift from alpha to help - and I hardly ever need to use insps or my self-heal).

And with Reactive, he melts mobs very quick. Now and again I take him to a +2x8 BM farm just to remind myself that he can do it. He's not the fastest farmer due to all the time it takes to set-up RI, but after that, one application of Aim+SD+Irradiate+NB melts all minions and LTs in a big mob, and leaves the bosses in pretty bad shape to finish off with CB and my other ST attacks (or a second AoE volley if there are more than 2). Even before Reactive he did some hefty AoE damage, it's just quicker/more impressive now.

Playing CoH with Gestures