Is my graphics card overheating?




Hi folks

As of yesterday, my COH client seem to be unable to run in ultra mode. Running with ultra mode disabled the client seem to run fine (only tested for about an our) but every time I turn on ultra mode (no matter how low the settings it seems), after a couple of minutes, both monitors just goes black, and I have to reboot with the power button.

The graphics card is a Nvidia 9800GT I bought for approx. 6 months ago, and I have ran ultra mode a lot (except when multi boxing) and there has been no problems. I had, funny enough, downloaded but not installed the latest Nvidia driver 296.10, earlier on the day. I tried to install it but that did not help the issue.

I'm a bit worried that the graphics card is overheating due to lack of insufficient power supply (375 W), but wonder at the same time, why this would first show up now.

My rig is Dell Dimension 9200 , with dual core 2.1 ghz, 4 gb ram running windows vista.

I have run COH daily since I22, so that cant be the problem.

I don't want to lose my ability to play in Ultra mode so any help would be much appreciated.

If any more information is need please let me know, and how to get it.

Team Tios

Edit: Thread moved here

Defiant to the last!



I'd suggest downloading SpeedFan - it's free, pretty straightforward and can monitor pretty much every bit of hardware you have that has a temperature sensor, graphics card included.

PS: You might wanna ask in Technical Issues forum, since you're more likely to hit tech-savvy folks in that direction.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
I'd suggest downloading SpeedFan - it's free, pretty straightforward and can monitor pretty much every bit of hardware you have that has a temperature sensor, graphics card included.

PS: You might wanna ask in Technical Issues forum, since you're more likely to hit tech-savvy folks in that direction.
Thanks for the hint.

I will ask in the Tech forum.

Moved here

Defiant to the last!