Solo ITF




Thank you Etherender, Skye Forge, Faded Skye, Dyanmite Star and whoever that last person was who joined me in order to get this TF started.

Although Freedom (and every other server apparently) went down for an hour and a half or so I managed to sign back in later and finish it up. Needless to say, I was very annoyed that the timer did not get paused and that I had to restart the second mission.

Oh well, the time wound up not being great anyway. And, although I used no temps, everyone should know that I did use inspirations like candy.

Remember my inspiration philosophy is like Chicago style politics...

"Use early and use often."

Heck, I even used several of those fancy team buff inspirations that I got in my super packs at the end. Proving, I suppose, that with enough inspirations and Lore Pets ANY toon can do ANYTHING. (Just thought I'd preempt the critics on that one.)

Sadly, I didn't accomplish a Master run. But, there is always next time...

I suppose that I'll have to be more liberal in my use of inspirations...



Nice. When I did this a couple of months ago I ended up taking a break for a day before doing the last mission so my time was worse than yours. I used Lore pets too at the end and I died a couple of times so I didn't bother posting about it at the time.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Nice. When I did this a couple of months ago I ended up taking a break for a day before doing the last mission so my time was worse than yours. I used Lore pets too at the end and I died a couple of times so I didn't bother posting about it at the time.
Silly me, and here I was thinking I was trailblazing. Well, you can always post about it now and be the first human Warshade to do so.

My time would have been alot better had I not been compeled to take a break and restart the second mission.

So, you only died twice. And what was your exact time with the break? And what do you suppose it would have been without it?

Oh, more importantly how did you keep your Lore Pets alive at the end? Because my time was slowed even more because my boss pet died a couple of times to Rommie's AOE. With those darn healing Nicti his regen feels comparable to a GM.

Knowing what I know now, if I do get around to doing this again, I figure that I could accomplish a MoITF run in hour and a half.

At anyrate, later Sept.



I don't remember the exact time, I just know it was ridiculous because I took such a long break. The only mission that took a really long time was the last one. I used my t4 Cimerorans at the end of the last and second to last missions, they didn't have trouble staying alive. I brought Barrier for the second to last but had to bring Clarion for the last one because of Rommy's rez mez. I couldn't keep fluffies alive at all for the last mission which is probably why it took so long, but my lore pets held up alright as far as I remember.



Originally Posted by AIB View Post
Oh, more importantly how did you keep your Lore Pets alive at the end? Because my time was slowed even more because my boss pet died a couple of times to Rommie's AOE. With those darn healing Nicti his regen feels comparable to a GM.
I'm not sure if you want to do this or not, but if you teleport into romulus before the cutscene (which you can do since you're a WS having tp by default), you can "clone" romulus and pull him away from the nictus, you still have to kill him 4 times, but you won't have to deal with the nictus at all. Alot of people did this when the ITF was first released and still thought it was hard.

Also, a more legit way of going about it is to kill the Nictus first, with a bit of maneuvering they can actually be quite easy to seperate, which is what I did on my fire/cold. It's hard to explain though other than on both my runs I targetted the nictus first and dragged them off to the side and romulus ran off somewhere, after killing the 3 nictus I had to go look for him running around in the hills. He has very weird AI.

Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I brought Barrier for the second to last but had to bring Clarion for the last one because of Rommy's rez mez.
Rom's rez can very easily be LoS'd. Only the Nictus's rez mez is instant and can't be effectively LoS'd.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I'm not sure if you want to do this or not, but if you teleport into romulus before the cutscene (which you can do since you're a WS having tp by default), you can "clone" romulus and pull him away from the nictus....
I don't. It sounds shady...but not in a good way.

Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Also, a more legit way of going about it is to kill the Nictus first, with a bit of maneuvering they can actually be quite easy to seperate...He has very weird AI...
I tried for awhile to pull and/or separate Rommie from his heal buddies. But, after dying a couple of times from trying this tactic I decided that a direct attack would be the best approach.

Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
The capabilities of Kheldians are quite fascinating. I need to try one of these "solo-TF" things sometime.

Nice work on that one, AIB! I'm certain that it wasn't easy, but congratulations on beating it
They are fascinating and you should try a soloTF.

I appreciate the compliment and while it wasn't easy, it is not nearly as hard as some of the others things that Warshades can accomplish on this game.



First, fantastic job. I've never attempted a solo TF of any sort, I suppose due to lack of faith in my characters, but even having never tried it I can't imagine it was anything resembling easy.

One oddball question, though. Second tray, slot 5, what power is that? At a glance I thought it was Dark Extraction, but my warshade's looks like any regular old summon pet; it doesn't have the little arrow-circle thing around the dot.



Originally Posted by Izuma View Post
First, fantastic job. I've never attempted a solo TF of any sort, I suppose due to lack of faith in my characters, but even having never tried it I can't imagine it was anything resembling easy.

One oddball question, though. Second tray, slot 5, what power is that? At a glance I thought it was Dark Extraction, but my warshade's looks like any regular old summon pet; it doesn't have the little arrow-circle thing around the dot.
Thank you.

Yes, It is Dark Extraction. Long ago I got an icon "correction" pack. My version is not the most current though.



Impressive... Most impressive.


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