Meeting of the Minds




So, I was thinking about the Who Will Die? story arc and, more specifically, the way part six ended.

If I were the one writing it, I think I would have had Sister Psyche end up mind-riding with someone at the end. Specifically, Penelope Yin. Think about it, why else have Penelope helping you out EVERY single mission of the arc? You get so used to having her around you sort of forget about her by the end of that third mission. Also, if anyone would have the power to "snatch" Psyche's... er... pysche... out of the ether as it sped towards the obelisk, it would be the most powerful psychic in the world.

Also, we have Darrin Wade with Statesman's powers AND magic skills to boot, what titan would be better able to face him and help trounce him than Psy-Yin? And leave him sighin' over Psy-Yin...

...sorry... couldn't resist...

Then I realized my train of thought had been entirely too serious for too long... and I began thinking about how THAT mental-hitch-hiking relationship might go...

* Sister Psyche: "No please... I DON'T want to read another slash fic... I don't have those kinds of teen-age fantasies any more... I've out grown them... wait... what's that one? Justin and Malaise...? ... ...... okay... one more.."

* Penelope Yin: "I know it's totally grody, right? I mean... like I would ever even THINK of dating Clockwork King... and why do you keep thinking the word 'attachments' over and over again? ... .... EEEWWWW!! Brain bleach! I need BRAIN BLEACH!"

* Sister Psyche: "It's an interesting idea but I would never wish any harm to Aurora or Swan... Besides, neither of them HAVE the mind-riding ability... <sighs> yes... I suppose it WOULD be the 'most awesome brain slumber party ever'..."

* Penelope Yin: "No, really... I asked Temblor out once... nah, he turned me down... said I was too self-sufficient... said he needed to feel needed..."

* Sister Psyche: "No.... I don't think we should tell Justin just yet... well... for one thing he might insist on dancing with us... he's always wanted to try it without the platform shoes..."

* Penelope Yin: "We are family.... oh oh oh oh yeah... I got all my Sister and me!"

* Sister Psyche: "Okay, Penelope... this is getting kind of creepy... we've been sitting here while you stare at Lusca for hours now... ... no, I don't think you could take her on all by yourself... hentai? why do you ask?"

* Penelope Yin: "Yes, I know I shouldn't use our combined powers carelessly... Yes... I KNOW I shouldn't have tampered with Synapse's mind against his will... I get it... but seriously... have you EVER had pizza delivered this fresh and hot before?"

* Sister Psyche: "Don't you DARE search through my private memories again without permission! We were just spicing up things a bit! Just because I dressed up as Dorothy Gale doesn't make me twisted... and you will never tell anyone Justin danced naked singing 'the lolipop guild' song... .... STOP LAUGHING!"

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
* Penelope Yin: "Yes, I know I shouldn't use our combined powers carelessly... Yes... I KNOW I shouldn't have tampered with Synapse's mind against his will... I get it... but seriously... have you EVER had pizza delivered this fresh and hot before?"
Cue lemonade all over my desk.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



At the risk of taking you back to the serious for a sec...

I fully expect Shanice to be tucked away inside Penny's mind. Now, Penny being aware of that however is another issue.
I also fully expect Manitcore to go all rogue soon™, with everything that's happened lately.
I fully expect SSA #2 to be going into all this a bit more as we begin to track down Wade.

Thus concludes the seriousness.

Now to get the lollipop guild image out of my head...

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



We are family........ahmmm anyway. Sorry to get serious in a steelclaw thread but yes i expect Psyche to turn up somewhere again considering her powers. Praetor Tillman isn't using her body any more correct? Shame to let it go to waste. I'd like it better if we end up discovering she's mind riding with us personally. And yes for gods sake keep Penny away from Lusca.



I think Praetor Tilman's body is destroyed that is why she was mind riding Aurora in the first place.


Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!