Player Origin Enhancements
* In the Spotlight: When used, the last 10 seconds of the game are played back in slow motion while the camera does a 180 downward pan centered on your character. Yes, to everyone on the map. Use it in an instanced mission, it recharges in a week. Use it with a league, it recharges in a month. Use it in an entire zone, that puppy is gone for a whole year.
* The Great Temp Power Find: The entire mission pauses for 10 seconds while a large window containing an alphabetized list of all of your temporary, veteran, and other miscellaneous powers with a search-as-you-type input box appears at the top.
* You Make My Eyes Bleed: You get two or three special costume slots, but these slots are not for your character, no siree. When you activate the enhancement, the costume corresponding to the slot you pick is automatically and instantly imposed on the target player for an hour.
* Uninvinciblization: When used, if there is one and only one minion- or lieutenant-level enemy left on the map (you know, that one that's stuck in the geometry that you cannot hit), that enemy is instantly defeated. If there are zero or more than one enemy left, or the one enemy is anything above a lieutenant, it does nothing.
* The Other: When slotted, any character's name that starts with any punctuation character or three or more repeated letters is prefixed by the title "The Other" instead. That is, instead of .Flame Lad, you would see, The Other Flame Lad.
* Just Missed it: When used within two days of an event ending (Winter Event, Spring Event, Halloween Event, etc.), you get to pick one reward that you forgot about or could never round up a team to complete, and it is instantly awarded to you.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
* I Meant to do That: Super Speeders and Fliers who constantly run into objects due to a lack of reaction time on the part of their players will STILL run into those objects. Now, however, the Proc will have them stumble, tumble then right themselves, look around quickly to see if anyone noticed them move on whistling as though nothing ever happened. |
Serif-ic Aura - grants the user a 120' radius aura that puts serifs that everyone can see on all capital I's in player names for 30 minutes.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
So I've been playing around with the Archetype Origin Enhancements lately and I think they're a solid innovation to the game. Still, it got me thinking... as such things so often do... about where we could go next...
I introduce to you Player Origin Enhancements. These enhancements are mostly Procs that don't cater to the characters but instead to the playing style of the poor saps at the keyboards.
Here are a few that came to mind:
* Appeal of the Innocent: Also known as Complaint of the Whiner, this proc will record the last 30 seconds of game time, constantly deleting any thing older than that so as to save memory space. When the player presses the key bind associated to the power it LOCKS the last 30 seconds of demorecord. It will also lock in the event of any interuption of server communication, such as Map Serve, power outage, etc. This will provide the player with either A) evidence to show the GM when he shows up to see what the problem is or (B) something to post to YouTube when they rage quit.
* Kinetic Recharge: Powers get a temporary recharge bonus or "surge" the more rapidly the player hits its activation key. Players with some some sort of microphone can get a further bonus from screaming "come on.. come on.. comeoncomeoncomeonCOMEON!" repeatedly.
* Tagged and Bagged: This power can target other players even in non-pvp zones. However, it will only activate if the target is 1) on the player's team/League and 2) has their countdown timer running prior to logging out. This is just a friendly way of "thanking" team members who join your team/task force/trial and quit without even bothering to say goodbye first. When that individual signs back on they will immediately go into the self-destruct temp power. When they click the Hospital button they will get a message stating that their health insurance card has declined.
* Slalom Master: For the motion-susceptible among us. Whenever you lean in your chair or hop in place in an effort to get your character to make that turn just a WEEEE bit tighter... viola! He will!
* Rage Lunge: For those of us who are jumping along the landscape and get the character stuck under a ledge and... rather than back out carefully and try the jump again or just go around... continue to jump again and again putting the character at risk of permanent brain damage... The Rage Lunge will activate on the third such jump... breaking through the obstacle in a satisfying burst of debris.
* I Meant to do That: Super Speeders and Fliers who constantly run into objects due to a lack of reaction time on the part of their players will STILL run into those objects. Now, however, the Proc will have them stumble, tumble then right themselves, look around quickly to see if anyone noticed them move on whistling as though nothing ever happened.
* Increased Perception: The camera will now move just a little bit faster whenever the player tilts or turns their own head trying to see what their character is turning towards before it even appears on the screen.
* No, No... Totally My Fault: Although they'll still die, the character will now apologize to the player for not realizing the player might have PRESSED the Eviscerate key but really MEANT Reconstruction.
* Mulligan: If, in a state of near panic, you press the F1(etc) key rapidly to get that Green to save your life and end up eating the whole stack (including the Large you'd been saving for that Elite Boss fight at mission end), the Proc will activate and ONLY use enough to save your life despite your desperate jabbing.
* Rage Snit: While on a team, if the entire team wipes three times or more in a ten minute time period, you will not gain any special powers, no Vengeance Buff, it will not allow you to change the mission to PvP... but it WILL now allow you to type in Team chat in 30 pt font size.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw