Casual Dress shirt




I've recently bought the casual dress shirt sleeves from the paragon store with the few points I had left. Went to put them on my hero, and apparently I have to buy the shirt too. I know it was only a cheap 20 points, but cmon D: .



Yes, tops and sleeves are two separate piece. For instance in the super packs the jacket sleeves are common but the jacket itself is uncommon.

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it's casual

it gets you into all of the no sleeves, no shoes, no service places



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
it's casual

it gets you into all of the no sleeves, no shoes, no service places
I am terribly confused on what you are trying to tell me.



Originally Posted by Knights View Post
I am terribly confused on what you are trying to tell me.
Best just to ignore me then.
(and I will feel very sad if this quote does not show up again in later threads)