I need help
I'm a bit confused...
You say it shows that they were played just 4 days ago on the SG roster, yet they aren't in the SG?
That part's just a bit confusing, did you mean they show being played 4 days ago at the character selection screen? (If so, and you hadn't played/ share with someone who did, contact support and change your passwords asap, as your account might have been jacked.)
If you still have a toon in the VG, look to see who has the leadership rank. If it's still one of your toons then... Bug it and, change passwords just to be safe.
If it isn't one of your toons, most likely leadership reverted to the most active current member in your absence. If that's the case, I'm not sure you have much recourse in recovering your items, unless they are friendly. I doubt support would help you if thats the case.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Welcome back. :P
The days online number could be a glitch, but if your characters are altered, or no longer in a VG or whatnot, someone may have gained access to your account. I would change your security and login info regardless, to be safe.
Don't I know you???
Thanks for your feedback and sorry for any confusion, it was a frustrated post at 3 in the morning.
I meant to say that it showed they had been last logged on 4 days ago on the character select screen. None of those toons were still in the SG. My one toon that wasn't in the SG before this hadn't been logged on in the last 50 days, which likely means the affected toons were accessed on their 46th day. Rather curious considering I remember setting my personal SG to a 45 day auto-demotion (the maximum setting). I am still changing my passwords in case someone accessed my account.
My response from support states that they don't do anything about people demoted due to inactivity in supergroups and cannot help me get back into my base (which I pretty much expected), so it looks like I'm out of luck about getting anything back. I can only hope that the person who took over and kicked all my toons reads this post and decides to be nice about it.
I find it somewhat ironic that the first time I have gone over the automatic leader demotion window over the course of the years I have played that someone in my SG would do that (if that's what happened). Oh well. I suppose this helps me make the tough decision I was having about renewing when my subscription time runs out in June.
I would rather have given all my stuff to friends than have someone steal it.
I haven't ever seen reason to post to these forums in the past but I have actively lurked, and I was once a pretty active member of the Triumph community. You might know me from triumph playing my fortunata Scrambled Egos, or my corruptor Giggles McGee, among others. So here is why I need help:
Basically every toon I have on triumph was a member of the same villain group. I played the market fairly heavily and stored most of my earnings as enhancements in my base. I just logged onto my characters, only to find that the majority of them state that they were played just 4 days ago (not true, it's been many days since I last played). None of my toons are still members of my villaingroup.
Could this be a glitch that I should talk to support about, or do you think someone has stolen my base from underneath me?
Any tips/sympathy would be much appreciated.
My global is @Hands of Fat