Dark Embrace "no fade or pulse" broken for brutes?
When they introduced "No Fade or Pulse" for Dark Armor, it was only for Cloak of Darkness; it was to stop Dark characters from going completely invisible when using that power. Before I went to check just now, I had never seen it on any other power before.
I see a "No Fade or Pulse" option for Dark Embrace, Murky Cloud, Obsidian Shield, and Cloak of Darkness on Scrappers, Tankers and Brutes, and on Dark Embrace, Murky Cloud, and Obsidian Shield for Stalkers. DE, MC and OS all react exactly the same on "No Fade or Pulse" as they do on "Color Tintable" for me. Note that I'm just going by the character creator; I haven't tested on any characters in-game.
Yup, scrapper dark embrace No Fade option works fine, the brute one is sadly broken.
Fairly easy to test out:
1. Roll a lv1 /dark brute
2. Pick No Fade of Pulse in power customization
3. Once ingame, turn on dark embrace
4. Observe that you are fading and pulsing like a champ
5. Quit to character select
6. Roll a lv1 /dark scrapper
7. Pick No Fade or Pulse in power customization
8. Once ingame, turn on dark embrace
9. Observe that you are not fading or pulsing
10. Enjoy being able to see your scrapper!
Violence has its own economy. Therefore, be thoughtful and precise in your investment.
Yea, getting the same thing. Extremely irritating. Was looking forward to playing a Dark Brute. Also I know this is an old post, but has anyone heard of a fix since this was last mentioned?
To the best dev team ever: I enjoyed meeting you all at the Summits and best of luck in all your future endeavors.
I believe it was patched within a month or so ago, as my Katana/Dark brute main no longer fades/pulses, or if he does I no longer notice, I will pay attention tonight.
Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)
So, brute version of the dark armor power "Dark Embrace" seems to have the fade/pulse even when you select "no fade or pulse" in the costume creator or tailor. Tried resetting it at tailor several times to be sure. Checked my dark armor tank and scrapper and it works fine, so only a bug on us lucky brutes. Unless someone has a trick or workaround? (beyond the one that surpresses all your self gfx).

Not sure if it has always been this way and just didn't notice or if this is a recent break? It isn't a real big deal, but find it slightly annoying, at least now that I notice it
Otherwise reporting it here for hopefully a dev to see. Will bug it in game as well, but my experience with in game bug reports generally are they are roundly ignored (at least on minor stuff like this). Bugged a couple of times that the sound effect from stone armor's crystal armor never fades and more than a year later it still was broken last time checked. Had to put up with a never ending "whee...wooo" sound back when I still used crystal armor on stone armor.