Cat Herding




I hate resizing that because it invariably breaks the Badge Progress Bars (and the Incarnate slot progress bars). I just broke down and cranked my Resolution to my Monitor's Native value - 1920x1080.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



This is pretty much what my screen looks like for all of my characters as well. I'm blind, so I have to have big windows. No small font for me or I'd never be able to play this game.

I have too many chat channels, so a tip for those that have a lot, group them by server. Have the one you talk in the most set as Default. So if you click on that tab ( and you have the A for AUTO checked just above the chat dialog area ) then you will automatically chat in that window.

The big key for setting them on each character was already discussed by Ukase, so that was a big saver for me too.

I'm actually glad to see other UIs so that I can try and find a better way of looking at things. As it stands, I have little realty space left on my screen to enjoy the game, SOMETIMES.

Oh yeah forgot one thing; regardless of what toon I am on, I prefer to see the buff line for each member of the team. Weirdness.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



I keep my Masterminds' pet buff bars up since they're all three shielders of one sort or another, and I keep the team buff bars up on Suzume and Kephren (FF and Sonic defenders) for the same reason... so I can see when to re-shield people... but otherwise I just find it a distraction. With Karasu, I know who I've buffed and about how long it'll last, so it isn't all that helpful.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



heh most of you know me and for those of you that dont im a long standing player and ive gotta say lookin at you guy's windows shows me alot of things that i dont know how to bring up and whatnot. like the window that shows your toon's defences/resistances. ive known about the resize and opaque settings which are handy. i honestly dont see how you guys like the "new" team window look. bugs me. for the most part my ui looks how it comes default. a couple of my toons have extra trays open for powers (never used a macro nor do i know how to make one :P). when i do things like MSR's or Hami raids ill open extra tabs set to request so i can keep on eye on things. just goes to show how much i dont know even tho ive been here a while

Global @Pvt James Ryan
Liberty Server
Supergroup Leader
The Knights Of The New Age



Obviously, the extra numbers, in my case, are to answer the age-old question after each patch: "Did they nerf accuracy?"

Monitoring ToHit chance, smashing defense and numbers like that are found by clicking on Powers (on default setting, the first word on the top left of your power trays) and then Combat Attributes.

The utility of this -- let's say you're on a Master of Task Force. If you see your resist or defense numbers go red, it may be a good time to either run away, or call out for assistance. (or mash purples and oranges until your numbers look better)

This kind of diligence is certainly not used by everyone. And for the most part, we could all play our game easily enough without it. But, in certain situations, (ugt) the details are more than just handy.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




after playing for so long i usually notice when my toons are introuble (instinct after playing them so long) that i can usually pull them out of it before its bad. it still would be handy to have floating around thats for sure.

Global @Pvt James Ryan
Liberty Server
Supergroup Leader
The Knights Of The New Age