Intuition Alpha
I think the around 6% loss of damage (because honestly, you're likely at the ED cap for damage anyways) would be well worth all the more useful enhancements in Radial Intuition. You'll still be getting a damage boost and the Def Debuff but now with a to hit debuff (which you weren't going to get with Core Musculature) and Hold (useful) buff instead of an Immobilize (useless, for your likely build). And oh yeah, you get do be that much further from the crap you are destroying with your debuffs and damage.
The Range boost works great with the damage boost, and both are phenomenal for both Cryonic and Vorpal Judgement powers.
The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU
Yeah, intuition radial is *really* nice for a lot of defenders/corrs. Tohit debuff + range + damage is some sexy, sexy enhancement. It's a pity you have to build all the way up to tier 4 to get all 3 at once, since none of them are on the primary line, but it's still a *very* good overall goal.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.
This is what it means to be a tank!
Hi guys,
Quick question regarding the alpha slot... I'm a fire/rad with Muscular Partial Radical Revamp currently slotted. I was planning on building up the whole tree to get the T4 with 45% damage increase but after briefly looking over the other alphas, I'm wondering if Intuition might be the better way to go... Yeah, I'd be losing my damage increase but with hold, defense debuff, slow, tohit defuffs and range it would seem like it is the better choice.
Any opinions or thoughts?