Very Unhappy Player




Well, I am inherently unhappy with this new "Item Pack". I have played Gaia Online and quit due to an exact replica of this money-pit scam. I'm a VIP player, and have been paying to play for years. I was good enough to continue my subscription not only to support the game, but for the features granted by said privileged accounts when it went free, and I still pay $15 and up per month for the new items that come out. I am not a money-pit however.

Seeing this new "Item Pack" sent my heart into my feet, I may have to stop playing. I love collecting the costume sets, and I -want- to get them if I spend the money to get them. But after spending over $15 on the "sale pack" of 24 of these sets and I did not receive all of the items, needless to say, I was upset. I already spent $15 on my VIP membership this month + $15 more on the previous item release last week, adding -another- $15 this week, that is -far- too much for the average -working- citizen. Yet, I gave it a chance.

I am afraid that this new "advancement" will have to cease, or you will lose valuable players. I don't want to spend $100 a month to get all of the items that are released for my characters, and I know that soon enough, like Gaia, this will turn into not just one pack at a time, but 2 then 3, and already you have lost my interest at one. Random packs are -not- a good solution to gaining money. The people who are already paying for the game monthly should not be a target of this either, but it seems that there is no reward. Because unlike Gaia, these items are account based, therefore, we can not simply trade to get these items, we -must- spend the money to get them. So there is nothing for even the working person to fall on.

This particular update has made me wonder where exactly the game is going, and if they really have the player's best interests in mind. Do not go the way to gain infinite money, cater to the players and make these options gain-able at a reasonable price. You may have lost a paying player, I am not going to be victim to this scam again. I had fun while it lasted, but as someone who loves the character options and customization in the game most, I feel very disappointed.

Best regards:



You could always just not buy these packs. They'll still be churning out costume sets and content the same way they have been for years. Not like these Super Packs will be taking over the entire game, or taking away from you anything you already have and enjoy.



What was said earlier: just don't buy the packs.

You might be missing out on 1 costume set, but if you feel so strongly about not encouraging this new "advancement", as you put it, I'm sure that would be the best way to send a message to NCSoft about it, instead of quitting: "I support your game, but I won't support this gimmick".

Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :