Fiery aura to look similar to Soul powers?Colour custom question




I was thinking about giving Fiery aura a soul/darnkness look.
Maybe with some dark purple, or purple and golden, I want it to look similar to Ghost Widow soul powers.
Maybe using bats or ghost aura would help.
Anyone did this already?



I have never attempted this, but if I were to attempt it, I would use the Bright pallet. I would make the center of the effects an off-white option of the yellow, orange, or purple variety (whatever looks more correct). Then I would most likely choose one of the less-vibrant hue options (usually on the left side of the customization options, if memory serves) for the peripheral effects.

If you manage to come up with something vaguely resembling it, post a screenshot!

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



If you want it to look like Ghost Widow's powers, yeah, I would go with bright.

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