Missing Mission Architect Content!




I just tried looking at my MA Content, and, all BUT my created MA Missions are GONE!!!! What happened to all of it?

Try my 3 MArcs: I.D.#67166:Protect the Artifacts!! I.D.#97724:Level-Up Time. I.D.#243803:Witch War! Salem vs. Croatoa!



The ones you published, or the ones you had saved but not published? If it's the ones you just had saved, have you changed computers or reinstalled CoH lately? Unless you publish an arc, it's only saved on your own computer in the CoH folder, and you have to make backups of it or you'll lose it all when you make a new CoH install.

Character index



I had forgot about that, Silver Gale. To prevent that from ever happening, why don't they just save everything to do with MA on the NCSoft Servers, where the saved MA Arcs are saved? It would prevent a lot of frustration. Not just with me, but, with those that are only starting to use the MA System, I think.

Try my 3 MArcs: I.D.#67166:Protect the Artifacts!! I.D.#97724:Level-Up Time. I.D.#243803:Witch War! Salem vs. Croatoa!



There are already thousands upon thousands of arcs which are abandoned, are unplayable due to game changes, patches, bugs, etc.

For all of those, there are *how many* unfinished arcs, unpublished arcs, unused villain groups, etc. are there? Probably - conservatively - ten times as many.

Why would they waste space on that?

Besides, they're text files. Spend $5 on a thumb drive (or 10 cents on a CD to burn) and stick them there. Email them to yourself. Get a free online backup like Mozy - even with their backup size limit for the free users, you can store a lot of arcs. Take some responsibility for your own stuff.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.