PvP dev's
the pvp dev got laid off right after going rogue, if i recall correctly.
This game had PvP devs?
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
there was one - he came to arena one time and say hey guess what guys we are going to give arena cams full perception becuase we know you want that it is on your wish list.....from 6 issues ago.
I vote myself to be the new PVP Dev. Or in the least a Mod.
I'd make a great candidate for this due to my extensive awesomeness with PVP in general. Dynamics and number crunching? No problem, I'll just give all zones a buff with 99% increase of every power setting. This way all archetypes stand on even ground, a defender could - with good play style- off a tank or brute. A petless MM could - on theory - demolish everything on the map. I'd take out or reduce all the mobs (to 1% across the scale), and take away suppression of every kind. PVP zone would be who has the best build (to a point) and who could maximize everything to give them an edge. Not an incarnate? Lulz. Then don't fight incarnates, or don't whine to me about other players going through the hardships to become greater than you. Level issues? Lulz. I'd open all PVP zones to all levels and make all PVP zones a player for all (unless teamed) mechanic. You want to try your luck at level 1 in a pvp zone against an IO'd/ATO'd PVP Built level 50+4? K. Be my guest. Don't whine when you get curb stomped by brawl after one hit.
This is my Official candidacy for the office of PVP Queen.
You know you want me there.
Vote now!
I always wanted to see PVP become something good. However I am not sure it is a justified expense of DEV time anymore.
Flawed thinking imo on the parts of players is what lead to the situation we have now. Issues like tanks wanting to be able to tank large groups of players for example was an oxy moron or hulk like proportions.
When 2 players fight it needs to feel like its two super beings doing battle. This is hard to recreate as we have seen.
I can recall perhaps 3 good pvp experiances imo in COX since vil side was launched so long ago.
My first was right after cov came out. I was running an Energy melee/energy aura brute. I was beset upon by a group of 4 heroes.
a tank,blaster,defender, and scrapper. It was a fierce battle and it proved how well made vil ATs had been made for solo/pvp play for I beat down all 4 of them, several multiple times, as they fought to bring me down.
I was lvl 28 and it was in bloody bay.
Although I frequently went to BB for fresh shivans and a break up from the mish grind I would not again face much pvp for some time.
Then one day I was grabbing a fresh shiv with my psi/ment blaster who remains my best 50 perhaps to date and a blaster with no equals among his AT.
I found myself being fired upon by a ruptor as I went in for a met frag. I turned upon him and quickly began to turn the tides and he started to flee. Feeling my blood heating up for a battle I persued. As I overtook him I suddenly found myself facing a pack of foes, as he had friends waiting stealthed, including an MM.
Things looked dire as a hold landed, however I always pack with forsight and popped a breakfree, it phase and jump pack and evacced high into the sky.
They where utterly surprised by my escape and I actually recieved several complimentary tells from those villains impressed by my quick counter to thier planned ambush.
My 3rd was when I was on my claw/wp scrapper one day. Sitting afk in Ozone I came back to my keys and saw a sparking little girl next to me. I said hey sparky see anything you like? My character was invised and I was just making a punny to be friendly.
For some reasn being called sparky really fired up this little elec troller. She challenged me to a duel right on the spot, my first ever in cox at the time lol.
I accepted, and funny enough first thing she said as it began was " Wtf I thought you where a blaster. I was like um not last I checked unless claws are suddenly a blaster primary.
She sucker punched me as I said that, doing her damndest to sap me down, and nearly did before I tore her throat out. round 2 I wasnt fully recovered when she came back using all her sap mojo to bring down my toggles and land a cc. she managed to drop me that time.
learned my lesson though and as I got back up the gloves came off. I went at her like a torpedo and took her apart doing wolverine and all other claw men proud.
She demanded I face her pvp specced brute next to which I simply laughed and logged off for the moment as I had been planning to when Id first come back to the keys before our exchange.
Seeing as other games like AOC in thier first months offered me many awesome and intense moments of pvp before that games devs too gave up on appeasing the fickle players, I cant see COX ever getting to that point when my quality experiances here in pvp over all these years are so few and far between.
I always wanted to see PVP become something good. However I am not sure it is a justified expense of DEV time anymore.
Flawed thinking imo on the parts of players is what lead to the situation we have now. Issues like tanks wanting to be able to tank large groups of players for example was an oxy moron or hulk like proportions. When 2 players fight it needs to feel like its two super beings doing battle. This is hard to recreate as we have seen. I can recall perhaps 3 good pvp experiances imo in COX since vil side was launched so long ago. My first was right after cov came out. I was running an Energy melee/energy aura brute. I was beset upon by a group of 4 heroes. a tank,blaster,defender, and scrapper. It was a fierce battle and it proved how well made vil ATs had been made for solo/pvp play for I beat down all 4 of them, several multiple times, as they fought to bring me down. I was lvl 28 and it was in bloody bay. Although I frequently went to BB for fresh shivans and a break up from the mish grind I would not again face much pvp for some time. Then one day I was grabbing a fresh shiv with my psi/ment blaster who remains my best 50 perhaps to date and a blaster with no equals among his AT. I found myself being fired upon by a ruptor as I went in for a met frag. I turned upon him and quickly began to turn the tides and he started to flee. Feeling my blood heating up for a battle I persued. As I overtook him I suddenly found myself facing a pack of foes, as he had friends waiting stealthed, including an MM. Things looked dire as a hold landed, however I always pack with forsight and popped a breakfree, it phase and jump pack and evacced high into the sky. They where utterly surprised by my escape and I actually recieved several complimentary tells from those villains impressed by my quick counter to thier planned ambush. My 3rd was when I was on my claw/wp scrapper one day. Sitting afk in Ozone I came back to my keys and saw a sparking little girl next to me. I said hey sparky see anything you like? My character was invised and I was just making a punny to be friendly. For some reasn being called sparky really fired up this little elec troller. She challenged me to a duel right on the spot, my first ever in cox at the time lol. I accepted, and funny enough first thing she said as it began was " Wtf I thought you where a blaster. I was like um not last I checked unless claws are suddenly a blaster primary. She sucker punched me as I said that, doing her damndest to sap me down, and nearly did before I tore her throat out. round 2 I wasnt fully recovered when she came back using all her sap mojo to bring down my toggles and land a cc. she managed to drop me that time. learned my lesson though and as I got back up the gloves came off. I went at her like a torpedo and took her apart doing wolverine and all other claw men proud. She demanded I face her pvp specced brute next to which I simply laughed and logged off for the moment as I had been planning to when Id first come back to the keys before our exchange. Seeing as other games like AOC in thier first months offered me many awesome and intense moments of pvp before that games devs too gave up on appeasing the fickle players, I cant see COX ever getting to that point when my quality experiances here in pvp over all these years are so few and far between. |

PvP dev's still here??? or they all leave after the grim i13??