Too Many Paragon Points




I'm a new player only since like late November so everything is new and exciting.. i passed up the martial arts bundle and i'm kicking myself for that! But really from my perspective the market seems to work fine..granted i have to do additional research like go to the wiki to see costumes or the forums to find out if for example the science set still comes with super tailor access ( which it does not) so perhaps better imagery could be added * shrugs*.

As a new player there are things in the market i can get that you vets already have like, super tailor, pocket D teleport, justice costume..Then of course there is the rocket board...( super tailor is on sale so i'm seriously considering that!)

My problem how ever is i'm cheap! One reason i passed up the martial arts set * kicks again* Now i check everyday for a new bundle Ha!



Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
That's only a good argument is there's no possibility of new things being released or discounts being offered. I've got points sitting around because I'm waiting for Staff Melee and the Super Packs and the things I don't have yet aren't worth the price they're charging to me without discount.
Originally Posted by Frigid_Ice_Queen View Post
A tenative yes for me. If I decide to drop to premium, that allows me to unlock the stuff I want to play (except incarnates) without having to pay a monthly fee.
I can't disagree with either of those stances, but think about it for a moment: Can you really say that those points are "too many" in that case? You expect to need them at a later date and worry that spending them now may mean you have too few when that date comes. That's not too many Paragon Points so much "locked" Paragon Points.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
That hits the nail exactly on the head. I know I should be spending my VIP points to get full "value" from the game. ("Value" is irrelevant so long as I'm having fun, which I am, but still... there's always more fun to be had, isn't there?) But I can't bring myself to spend my VIP points because of the points I highlighted in my OP.
Honestly, I'd say save your points if you can't justify spending them. I suspect that sooner or later, you'll amass enough points to where you'll feel comfortable tossing a few around on "junk" unlocks. For instance, this is how I bought the... What's it called? New Years Pack? The one with the fireworks. I didn't really need or want the things, but I figured... Eh, 160 points isn't that much. If I find something I need, I can always buy more points.

I get that wanting to hoard your stuff, even when it's not that valuable, is a powerful instinct. To this day it pisses me off how people can die with full inspiration trays, just as a random example. I find that it's simplest to treat the Paragon Market like a real market, especially for stuff that's not that expensive. If you want something, get it. Set yourself some comfortable minimum that you don't want to drop below and spend your head away as long as you're above it. It's what works for me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Set yourself some comfortable minimum that you don't want to drop below and spend your head away as long as you're above it. It's what works for me.

This.. is what i do in many games i say ok i have XXX amount and i refuse to go under it. I do the same thing with Inf.. I treat it like a smaller game the mini money game! In this way i can appease what ever crazy hoarding disorder i have ( though i defiantly do not hoard Insp.) and buy some goodies!



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I am with you in some regards as far as powersets go though...I bought Beam Rifle but...after it (and still am a bit) I have a bit of buyer's remorse...just don't care for BR that much.
I bought Beam Rifle the day the Paragon Market opened. I rolled a BR/TM corrupter, and I have her up to level 44 at the moment. But, BR has completely disappointed. It's an entirely underwhelming power set. I'll get her up to 50, just because I've put this much time into her. But, once at 50, I harbor no doubts she'll be quickly retired and shelved.

Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Only thing I'm constantly waiting to go on sale is the extra enhancement slot storage increases. I thought I would have bought them as soon as Freedom launched but...yikes...not at those prices.
IMO, storage prices are unreasonably high. I'd love to expand my storage (auction, enhancements primarily), but at the current price point, no way. Every now and again I'll think about it, but every time I see the price, I balk. Yes, I understand it's a one-time account-wide deal, but I've had 10 enhancement slots for over seven years now without much issue. I'm not dropping 20 bucks for 10 more enhancement slots, for example. If I see a sale, say 50% off, I'd probably buy it.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I would have bought the entire Holiday Pack but I can't easily find out which bits I've already got because
Nothing in the pack has been on the store up to now, and you mentioned buying slots, so you apparently have a number of characters - and the pack is an account unlock.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.