So, looking on some of my "unused servers"
Trouble Magnet (Justice) - The name gives you an idea of the concept. Now that I think of it, she was the en/en blaster precursor of a far more fun character, my mind/FF controller, Cluster Flux.
Distraction (Liberty) - Extremely tall, extremely stacked, strapless black dress with thigh high boots and the battle cry "MADE YOU LOOK!" (If you've seen my TIME TO START video, she's the redhead dancing in the black dress.)
Rabid Spoo (Triumph) - Ever seen BABYLON 5? He's short, squat, bright blue, ONLY moves at a walk (kid you not - he has no travel powers and even for a "huge" body, he moves slower than molasses in January), and his battle cry was *sigh*. He drove his teammates insane, but they LOVED the concept. (He was also the star of my TIME TO START video.)
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
But then I realize: IT'S ASYMMETRICAL!! I honestly don't know how I did it with the options at the time,
As for abandoned concepts:
I've got a MA/SR scrapper named Flick Kick, I like the costume, but it's completely lacking a concept beyond kicking things.
I've got an AR blaster called Robotic Manic (I think) who was made before Villains even existed. The idea was that I wanted a crazy robot, but I could only make a hero. So his story so that he still have enough logic circuits left to see that if he wanted to shoot people and get away with it, he should just go after villains.
Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.
BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"
Fountain of Youth - Freedom, Level 12 Scrapper, 869 offline
My concept was a character that IS the fountain of youth. Dark melee, sucks souls, stays eternally young. Had a great vibe back when I made him. I LOVE his costume, maybe I'll upload a pic. It is just ragged clothes on top of a sunburned, youthful body, with blackened hands and feet, but still feels unique and fresh even after years away. |
Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.
Current Team Project: Pending
Up until a month ago, I had 4 under-appreciated characters but I found a use for them as AE mules collecting tickets on really simple non-exploitable missions.
It was fun to bring them to life again and re-discover what motivated me to create them in the first place. Now, once a week or so, I run each one through the AE missions; have a bit of relaxing fun and bank 300-500 tickets per session.
Man, I have a ton of character concepts that I abandoned. Here's a few:
Bloody Heart - Freedom, Level 1 Blaster, 2324 days off
Probably a reserved name for something, but I love the name. I'm sure I will eventually get to it, sometime in the long away future. Could go 18 ways on the concept.
King of the Thugs - Freedom, Level 2 MM (thugs, obviously), 1781 days off
Kind of a trollish kind of concept. Sounds generic, but I really did have a decent backstory about the political infighting in a street gang, but I can't find it now.
Programmable Machine - Freedom, Level 4 Scrapper, 868 days offline
1950s machine turned hero. Would work great now, just would have to work in the much in improved options for techy costumes.
Fountain of Youth - Freedom, Level 12 Scrapper, 869 offline
My concept was a character that IS the fountain of youth. Dark melee, sucks souls, stays eternally young. Had a great vibe back when I made him. I LOVE his costume, maybe I'll upload a pic. It is just ragged clothes on top of a sunburned, youthful body, with blackened hands and feet, but still feels unique and fresh even after years away.
Prey Bites Back - Freedom, Level 37 Night Widow, 870 offline
A male night widow. Spiders have a nice habit of cannibalizing the smaller, weaker male members of the species, and I had a feeling that the night widows of Arachnos would be similarly harsh. This character survived that.
Lumbermill - Freedom, Level 1 Crab, 892 offline
An arachnos crab spider that works part-time as a mill. Yes, that was my concept. I saw spider crab backpack and thought: that could cut trees!
Heart's Thanks- Freedom, Level 1 Scrapper, 1083 offline
This guy looks like a mobster. Suit, cigar, etc. But he's the badass with a hard of gold that donates time at the burn wing of the children's hospital. I think he was supposed to have cancer, but I can't remember exactly.
Disco Doctor- Freedom, Level 1 Defender, 1775 offline (look ma, it's almost Independence Day!)
Combine an afro with scrubs, throw in some dance moves, and you have the disco doctor. He's a tribute to main character, who has undergone many changes in concept throughout the years, but seems to like the look.
Hun - Liberty, Level 2 Blaster, 860 offline
Hun was one of the first female characters I ever made. She was equal parts amazon warrior and southern lady, if you can combine the two. Sure, I didn't make it far, but it was a major milestone for me.
Let's Do Our Warmup - Liberty, Level 1 Corrupter, 2110 offline
Bright purple jump-suit, check. Annoying yelling, check. Zombie? Check. He's the exercise zombie, and he wants you to PERK IT UP.
Bashin' Rock- Protector, Level 4 tanker, 2110 offline
He bashes people with rocks. He is a rock. He's the bashin' rock.
Autoshot- Protector, Level 14 Blaster, 1890 offline
He's loud and obnoxious. He is an action-movie star fit to the City of universe. One of the first characters I every tried to roleplay, though he was annoying to play at the time.
Patched Up Man -Protector, Level 1 Tanker, 2466 offline
He's the Salvation's Army version of a hero. Hand made, hand me down, worn out, patched up, and still fighting. Looking at his costume, I am amazed. At one level, it looks like a badly put together old costume. But then I realize: IT'S ASYMMETRICAL!! I honestly don't know how I did it with the options at the time, but he has an electron outfit for a chest, a left arm made of rock, a metallic right arm, and patchwork pants. Even for an old costume, I was still amazed at just how much potential the character creator has.
And now for a "few" other characters with a little less to their names:
Kinetic Bomb, Level 8 Defender, 269 offline
Nerfs R Us, Level 3 Controller, 2308
Look Behind You, Level 7 Stalker, 2012
Big and Stupid, Level 2 Brute, 1093
Strange Crab, Level 10 Crab, 1093
Warbullet, Level 6 Defender, 2622
Concretus Metallica, Level 2 Brute, 1983
Time is Running Out, Level 6 Mastermind, 1667
Beating A Dead Horse, Level 12 Scrapper, 1649
Gravo, Level 8 Controller, 1992
Lighted Spark, Level 2 Defender, 2626 (in the year 2525...)
Complex Earther, Level 2 Controller, 2612
Old Man's Revenge, Level 7 Stalker, 1966
13th Devil, Level 7 Blaster, 2599
Redmage, Level 6 Scrapper, 2508
Rockerman, Level 8 Tanker, 1978
Greatflame, Level 11 Blaster, 1991
Toxic Death, Level 2 Scrapper, 2317
Man in Whites, Level 2 Defender, 2297
Thorn and Ivy, Level 8 Dominator, 2007
Frosty Jack, Level 6 Dominator, 2184
Thermal Overload, Level 6 Corrupter, 2187
Killmo, Level 8 Brute, 129
Great Atomic Frost, Level 26 Defender, 894
Supersun, Level 32 Tanker, 962
Just Tracy, Level 12 Scrapper, 234
Crey Enforcer V3.1, Level 42 Blaster, 233
Destruction Bot V2, Level 36 Mastermind, 359
Old Wippernapper, Level 50 Brute, 348
Silent Shadow, Level 2 Scrapper, 2473
Out of the Blue, Level 2 Controller, 2571
Alpha Plus, Level 6 Blaster, 2309
Flesh-Eater, Level 2 Dominator, 2190
Suited Hotdog, Level 3 Magic Scrapper, 2179
Dr.Pain, Level 2 Blaster, 1223
Fireswept, Level 5 Tanker, 2219
Nightbug, Level 29 Warshade, 442
Clan Leader, Level 1 Defender, 2409
Dead Bat, Level 14 Mastermind, 1958
Evil Wolf, Level 2 Brute, 2218
Overall, I collectively have over hundred thousand days logged off, average approx level 4 (mode is 2), and my slots on every server except Exalted and the Euro-servers are completely filled. To say I'm an altoholic would be an understatement, though I have managed a few 50s (7, I believe).
Anyway, does anyone else have characters they've abandoned that they still remember fondly?
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