Storm attacks and Interface slotting questions
perhaps post a link to where you found your answer in case someone else comes looking for the answer
The incarnate procs should finally be fixed so that they fire at exactly the same times other procs slotted in the powers would. (Although the interface proc firing on every tic of Freezing Rain was pretty awesome. Really, you only needed one attack then . Then when they were fixing that bug there was a period where the incarnate procs would only have a chance to fire on the first tic of duration powers rather than every 10 seconds)
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
NCsoft Devs =/= good at programming.
"Look, personally I just want a new issue to feature changes that don't cause a mass exodus of players..."
Issue 17: We Didn't Break Anything!
How to suck at CoX
Literally the Best Build Ever: Years in the Making
Did a search for interface and found my answers.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five: