"Unlock all slots" button

Model 75



Had a friend who went Premium for a bit, and now back to VIP (and will probably go back to Premium while he hunts Sith or something.) One thing he said he found really irritating is having to re-unlock every character on his server. (He'd bought extra slots earlier, so it's something like 30 characters there.)

How about a button that, when you go back to VIP, gives an option to "Unlock all characters on this server?"

It's a minor thing, but he found it REALLY annoying.



I would happily support this idea, one of those little QoL things that seems obvious in hindsight. Not that I'd ever be likely to use it myself, I'll be subscribing until the day the servers shut down.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?