PB as bad as people say?




Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Inner Light and the new Light Form would beg to differ with you. Making those perma or darn close to it is worth it, which does mean a decent amount of recharge. I know Spiritual helped out my PB with that considerably.
I think he's got a point, tho. Once you stack up enough recharge from the sets + Hasten to get perma-lightform, you're probably better off getting the musculature alpha for the damage bonus.



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
I think he's got a point, tho. Once you stack up enough recharge from the sets + Hasten to get perma-lightform, you're probably better off getting the musculature alpha for the damage bonus.
The amount of recharge needed is still pretty high to do that. Of course it makes sense to go for other bonuses once more recharge isn't doing you any good... but the recharge bar is pretty high to get those perma, even if you're using some purples. I think they're ALMOST perma on my all human build, and that has Hasten, 50-60% global recharge, and the Spiritual alpha rounding things out.

Depending on what you are used to building and affording, that might not seem like much, but it is something more than I build for my Peacebringer's tri-form before. I kind of got to 40% global on that without focusing on it too hard, and that was fine by me, since getting more at the time would just have put Dull Pain or whatever closer to perma.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I'm finding that leveling my human PB has been a fun experience and plenty viable without Nova. Good ST and AoE with Inner Light up so often even on SOs - I open with Inner, Proton Scatter, Luminous Detonation and then I can two-shot an orange boss with Radiant+Incandescent and use my ST blasts. Since Proton Scatter is up so often even without recharge enhancements and I just got the Solar Flare, I'm thinking about leaving Luminous outta the build later since it's kinda weak and Solar Flare is enough AoE KB and does way more -def and damage than Luminous.

That said, even though in the TFs I ran recently (Posis and Synapse), being the most damaging toon overall killing minions with AoEs and downing bosses fast, I don't think the PB 'bad rep' will improve soon - like my Stalkers, I was always in low priority to get Fortitude on me - the tanker and a def had it on all the time, even tho the Tanker didn't need it because he was 50, so well slotted and had no problem aggroing tons of mobs and surviving.

PBs are very sweet on a team now, I was at a constant 60% damage boost (2 defs, 1 tanker on the team). So while Incandescent Strike does only 10 more damage than Tanker's KO Blow or Seismic Smash at base 50 (168), with 60% damage boost it can get to base 269 at 50, more than Scrapper Concentrated Strike (222) - and that's not counting the fact you can have perma inner light or little downtime with it, which is at least another 30% damage boost most of the time (more on the first ten secs of course).