Paragon Market Issues/Suggestions
Suggestions and Ideas forum section is further down the list.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
While I have many issues with this buggy system, I have a couple of suggestions that might make this far more useful and make you more money.
1) reorganize the "NEW" tab to order things in order of newness. As in the Newest items first in the list. (not listing things that are only new because the market itself is new, you go to new now and you basically see every item there is).
2) Add a tab for "Unowned" Items.
Since you guys will not make it so we can not buy things we do own (by taking away the 'buy now' button).
This way people will not have to scan through sometimes 12 or more pages of stuff they probably do own to see IF they can find one they may or may not own, that just happened to be added with no notice (because this happens a LOT).
We have the "Hide Unowned Recipes" option for the Invention Table, why can we not have the opposite in the store? (...of course, because it makes sense! /facepalm!)
I know I have seen items that have been avbl. for days that I didn't know about because I didn't want to spend hours pouring over the market in hopes that there just might be something 'new' to me. If there was an easy way to see any new or unowned items it would be far more likely they would sell more units, faster. (Especially now that many of the unowned items are also not showing up in the costume creator either!)
Other than the bugs that seem to cause random items to end up (unseen) in the cart, but charge you for them anyway and other bugs that cause us problems there, Either one or both of these ideas would make the store much easier to use and very likely make you more money as well as make the players happy, which in turn also makes you more money, unhappy players are less likely to spend. (I know the sheer greed, (and lack of bug fixes so we can work on more stuff to sell, like the pilgrim hat that didn't even make it out before Thanksgiving, or yet, and unlike the chainmail, seemed to look just fine...), of this system has got me looking for another game, not finding one... but I AM looking. But I will use that same greed to try to push these ideas to make the players lives easier)
I am sure there are other ideas that could help the market improve its functionality, but since I am sick with a head full of snot that's all I can think of atm, so I will leave it up to others to add more ideas... (like maybe something else we can do with our 'reward tokens', cash them in for points or something... looking like it is going to be a long time before I have something to spend those on, if ever)
True Alt-o-holic, so... way too many to even think about listing =p
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