Somebody Teach That Dog How to Brawl!




So I used my monthly allotment points to buy the German Shepard pet. For 100 points out of pocket, it's pure fun to watch, adorable as hell, and complements several toons quite nicely - except when they fight...

Knowing it's a non-combat pet, and remembering how everyone said the Devs should have the dog provide a player buff, I'm here to heartily disagree. That dog should be my all-new, purely optional level 1/inherent brawl power. When I dont use the power, normal non-combat animations should apply. But when I hit brawl, that dog should be gnawing on my target's ankle instead of looking for a belly rub on the sidelines.

Seriously, how hard would it be to make the dog an alternate brawl ability? I'm sure it'd sell a lot more...



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
So I used my monthly allotment points to buy the German Shepard pet. For 100 points out of pocket, it's pure fun to watch, adorable as hell, and complements several toons quite nicely - except when they fight...

Knowing it's a non-combat pet, and remembering how everyone said the Devs should have the dog provide a player buff, I'm here to heartily disagree. That dog should be my all-new, purely optional level 1/inherent brawl power. When I dont use the power, normal non-combat animations should apply. But when I hit brawl, that dog should be gnawing on my target's ankle instead of looking for a belly rub on the sidelines.

Seriously, how hard would it be to make the dog an alternate brawl ability? I'm sure it'd sell a lot more...

Tier 1: Ankle bite
Tier 2: Hamstring
Tier 5: Crotch Bite

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Better yet, when you buy the dog, have it unlock a new power pool for every character which allows the dog to attack in various ways. It wouldn't be unbalanced as you'd still have to spend a power pick and slots, but would add a load of new concept potential.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



I suggested in another thread that the dog could have "fake" attack animations -- not doing any damage or drawing any aggro, just going through the motions, so he doesn't just stand idle in the middle of combat. I like the "alternate brawl" idea, though.

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